Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Clasp

    What a powerful examination of the personal cost of isolation. This play incisively captures the zeitgeist of our recent past through two compelling characters facing a difficult situation and a vital choice.

    What a powerful examination of the personal cost of isolation. This play incisively captures the zeitgeist of our recent past through two compelling characters facing a difficult situation and a vital choice.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Ballad of Leslie

    Leslie certainly doesn't know she needs a chorus at the start of this delightful two-hander. Jordan thinks having a chorus providing florid narration is always good for what ails ya. Their journey to equilibrium is filled with witty misunderstandings and dialogue at cross purposes.

    Leslie certainly doesn't know she needs a chorus at the start of this delightful two-hander. Jordan thinks having a chorus providing florid narration is always good for what ails ya. Their journey to equilibrium is filled with witty misunderstandings and dialogue at cross purposes.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Early Flight

    Suspicious and jealous Evan thinks he's going to catch his wife in an affair. Or is he hoping to? Does Evan want the marriage or the freedom to carry on like his divorced friend, Dave? Evan's misconduct and his wife's forbearance are funny enough, but the ending(s) take things to another level. (I vote for ending 1.)

    Suspicious and jealous Evan thinks he's going to catch his wife in an affair. Or is he hoping to? Does Evan want the marriage or the freedom to carry on like his divorced friend, Dave? Evan's misconduct and his wife's forbearance are funny enough, but the ending(s) take things to another level. (I vote for ending 1.)

  • Paul Donnelly: To The Moon!

    Poor Joe can't catch a break. One innocent fib on a first date sets off a cascade of events that bring him to the surface of the moon. A place he has no desire to be. How he gets there and how the astronauts he travels with handle his reservations and revelation make for a delightful comic gem.

    Poor Joe can't catch a break. One innocent fib on a first date sets off a cascade of events that bring him to the surface of the moon. A place he has no desire to be. How he gets there and how the astronauts he travels with handle his reservations and revelation make for a delightful comic gem.

  • Paul Donnelly: The People You Meet in Heaven

    A witty and tart one-minute delight. Beth, in some ways, gets her just desserts.

    A witty and tart one-minute delight. Beth, in some ways, gets her just desserts.

  • Paul Donnelly: Save Hamlet! (a full length play)

    Brilliant, just brilliant. Artfully follows the structure of Hamlet, only to subvert every scene and to wreak havoc with the politics of gender. The dialogue is hilarious, mixing verse, anachronisms, and meta commentary. I honestly can't count the number of times I laughed out loud. This would be a joy to see staged.

    Brilliant, just brilliant. Artfully follows the structure of Hamlet, only to subvert every scene and to wreak havoc with the politics of gender. The dialogue is hilarious, mixing verse, anachronisms, and meta commentary. I honestly can't count the number of times I laughed out loud. This would be a joy to see staged.

  • Paul Donnelly: Silent Vows

    Two characters are vividly realized and their journey vividly illustrated without their speaking a word.

    Two characters are vividly realized and their journey vividly illustrated without their speaking a word.

  • Paul Donnelly: Miss R.R.Hood Versus The Wolf.

    The perfect blend of snarky and sweet. This Red is quite the pistol and the references to other fairy tales are hysterical. Her bursts of compassion for the Wolf and the surprise reveal deepen and enrich the play and enter the realm of real emotion.

    The perfect blend of snarky and sweet. This Red is quite the pistol and the references to other fairy tales are hysterical. Her bursts of compassion for the Wolf and the surprise reveal deepen and enrich the play and enter the realm of real emotion.

  • Paul Donnelly: MOUSE and FROG

    A powerful meditation on guilt and the awful cost unresolved guilt can extract. The details of a particular life are so specific and fully realized that the suffering the speaker experiences resonates as universal. It is a great pity that the notion of self-forgiveness comes too late to save their friend.

    A powerful meditation on guilt and the awful cost unresolved guilt can extract. The details of a particular life are so specific and fully realized that the suffering the speaker experiences resonates as universal. It is a great pity that the notion of self-forgiveness comes too late to save their friend.

  • Paul Donnelly: PAGE COUNT

    A droll and insightful exploration of the nature of ambition and collaboration. The characters are rich and compelling and the dialogue crisp and witty. The depression era setting adds color and urgency and the world of the studio is vividly rendered. The well-crafted pieces add up to a powerful whole.

    A droll and insightful exploration of the nature of ambition and collaboration. The characters are rich and compelling and the dialogue crisp and witty. The depression era setting adds color and urgency and the world of the studio is vividly rendered. The well-crafted pieces add up to a powerful whole.