Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Burgers

    One man's tortuous path to vegetarianism is brought to riotous life in this witty, witty monologue. That this path involves the audition from hell is the source of most of its rich humor. This character's voice is so engaging that I forgot I was reading a work of fiction.

    One man's tortuous path to vegetarianism is brought to riotous life in this witty, witty monologue. That this path involves the audition from hell is the source of most of its rich humor. This character's voice is so engaging that I forgot I was reading a work of fiction.

  • Paul Donnelly: Samaritans (TEN-MINUTE)

    A lovely exploration of a troubled young woman's spiritual journey. The language is exquisite, the rhythms seductive, and the humor invigorating.

    A lovely exploration of a troubled young woman's spiritual journey. The language is exquisite, the rhythms seductive, and the humor invigorating.

  • Paul Donnelly: 20 Questions: a found monologue

    The need behind many of these questions is almost haunting. The interpretative possibilities are endless. There is just so much resonance and potential humor packed into this short found piece.

    The need behind many of these questions is almost haunting. The interpretative possibilities are endless. There is just so much resonance and potential humor packed into this short found piece.

  • Paul Donnelly: Chekhov's Gun

    What a funny and farcical twist on an old theatrical chestnut.

    What a funny and farcical twist on an old theatrical chestnut.

  • Paul Donnelly: Presence

    Wow. What a chilling bit of misdirection. The set up is engrossing and the pay off is dynamite.

    Wow. What a chilling bit of misdirection. The set up is engrossing and the pay off is dynamite.

  • Paul Donnelly: Aces Are Feverish

    A funny and flawlessly structured film noir send up. The characters are delightful, the dialogue is delicious, and the whole effect is de-lovely.

    A funny and flawlessly structured film noir send up. The characters are delightful, the dialogue is delicious, and the whole effect is de-lovely.

  • Paul Donnelly: 'Tis the Season

    We could all use a friend like Merry even in non-Covid times. Sam's disappointment at the damper Covid put on his favorite holiday certainly resonates with me. He is fortunate to have Merry to pull him and his pumpkin, Jack, out of their shared funk.

    We could all use a friend like Merry even in non-Covid times. Sam's disappointment at the damper Covid put on his favorite holiday certainly resonates with me. He is fortunate to have Merry to pull him and his pumpkin, Jack, out of their shared funk.

  • Paul Donnelly: Stinkbird

    Ethan's advice to start every day on a positive note has resonance well beyond his wife. And, bless his heart, he finds his positivity in the oddest places.

    Ethan's advice to start every day on a positive note has resonance well beyond his wife. And, bless his heart, he finds his positivity in the oddest places.

  • Paul Donnelly: Becky Knows What Sex Is

    Deciding how to approach the topic of sex with their precocious seven year-old causes Larry and Ernie to evaluate their own communication around sex and consent. This play is also filled with both deliberate and awkward humor that serves the action well.

    Deciding how to approach the topic of sex with their precocious seven year-old causes Larry and Ernie to evaluate their own communication around sex and consent. This play is also filled with both deliberate and awkward humor that serves the action well.

  • Paul Donnelly: 'Round The Cauldron

    Funny and clever, this play is a real delight. I found myself laughing aloud from the deadpan listing of the ingredients in the Crones' stew and their typical cooking show host asides to their recounting of the Scottish Lord's post-death fate.

    Funny and clever, this play is a real delight. I found myself laughing aloud from the deadpan listing of the ingredients in the Crones' stew and their typical cooking show host asides to their recounting of the Scottish Lord's post-death fate.