Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

It’s broken. Now what?
I’ve always been drawn to the dark elements of a story, places lost in the past, strangely
complex characters, the supernatural, the very edge.
I like broken. A shattered window that’s had it’s shards pieced back together is far more
interesting to look through. So is the mind of a damaged character.
My characters seemingly are all in varying degrees of repair. How then, do they let their light shine through? What shadows do they cast? Is their light even on?
When I write, I experience ‘flow’. I’m lost in the ‘in-between’ and I travel great distances. My heart breaks and fills with quiet. I laugh until I cry and then catch my breath at the harsh reality that suddenly reveals itself. Then I laugh again. Laughter is the best foil against the dark. It keeps the listener listening.
These are the stories I strive to tell through my playwriting. Stories that drive right up to the very edge and then give an opportunity to look out and over and down...or not.
But I always want the audience to know that they’ve been somewhere.