This is a darkly hilarious satire of school science fairs, parental competition, and the beleaguered school principal trying to navigate it all. Busser keeps ramping up the ghoulish jokes with precision, until we find ourselves laughing at the most appalling things—and hoping for more. Judging from the online comments during a sharp virtual production that was part of the Two-Hander Slam, this one will slay a live audience.
This is a darkly hilarious satire of school science fairs, parental competition, and the beleaguered school principal trying to navigate it all. Busser keeps ramping up the ghoulish jokes with precision, until we find ourselves laughing at the most appalling things—and hoping for more. Judging from the online comments during a sharp virtual production that was part of the Two-Hander Slam, this one will slay a live audience.