Recommended by Paul Smith

  • It's an honour Mr Shakespeare
    10 Mar. 2021
    This is quite wonderful. A brilliantly drawn clash of cultures, personalities and eras which is hilarious. The jousting of David Tennant as he interviews William Shakespeare is witty, well observed and carries great truths with it. Splendidly original, I can't recommend this highly enough. Loved it!
  • Doppel Date
    9 Mar. 2021
    I always admire writers who create something so very original and clever - and, make it work! John Busser does just that here with a complex, but slick comedy of 'no manners'. A battle of egos and alter-egos is played out smartly in front of the on-looking waiter who is floored by what he sees..... Witty and skilful, this would play out wonderfully on stage - oh, and there is a line about Cary Grant which made me fall off my chair. Wonderful ending too. Sublime writing!
  • The Odyssey
    8 Mar. 2021
    This wonderful adaptation of Homer's epic poem is choc-a-bloc with fun for the whole family. Mythological story-telling is very in-vogue and Christine Foster distills all the best bits of the story and fills the stage with great characters and their adventures. The scope for invention in staging, costuming and acting makes it a super project for any company! Go have some real fun and real thrills to boot! Fabulous stuff!
  • Hey, Dad
    8 Mar. 2021
    As always with Philip Middleton Williams' writing, the words are beautifully arranged and paint wonderful pictures. This very poignant reflection on a Father, now gone, will strike chords with many sons and in just a couple of minutes gives us a brief vignette of such an important relationship. Exquisitely written.
  • And Call Me in the Morning [short]
    5 Mar. 2021
    A very few minutes of writing which made me laugh out loud. Very funny, possibly disturbing but clever and witty and will demand a straight face from both actors as well as a command of some tricky words! Great stuff!
  • Skip
    25 Feb. 2021
    A simple, thoughtful and warm story of a meeting between two people. Guy Newsham is so effective in the unfussy telling of the story that this short piece feels rather longer and filled with humanity. The reader/viewer is left satisfied, but pondering the future for the characters. A lovely piece of writing.
  • Placeholder
    25 Feb. 2021
    Oh this is fun. A witty, clever and rather thought-provoking piece on the use of names and the definition of self. Austin Hendricks has crafted a lucid piece on the semantics of identity with a short monologue which is engaging and splendidly satisfying. A gem!
  • Duplication
    25 Feb. 2021
    What a splendidly satisfying little piece of surreal drama featuring two versions of the surrealist artist Magritte. A witty and wry look at what defines an artist and how criticism is interpreted. A sharp and clever two-hander. Excellent!
    10 Feb. 2021
    Vivian Lermond has crafted a beautifully evocative glimpse of a man looking back at his early dreams through to his current life. Remembrances of one person whose influence over him he will never forget; create another layer within the story.
    It may be short, but it is packed with character, atmosphere and life. A treasure.
  • FaceTime with Grandma
    8 Feb. 2021
    A quietly amusing monologue veers off into the suddenly dramatic and moving. This wonderful short monologue for an older actor, shows the tenderness and undoubted steeliness of an older woman who has found herself in a position not of her own making - how many others have faced this experience since the start of 2020? Sadly quite a few probably. A thoughtful and well written treasure of a script.
