Recommended by Bruce Karp

  • The Mirror
    24 Feb. 2022
    I enjoyed Swenson's use of dialogue in this play, which reminded me of Beckett and Pinter plays, i.e., the audience is required to think a little. (A compliment!) It expresses the fear we all have from time to time, figuring out who we are, what's wrong with us and finally, optimistically, what's right with us, if we take the time to look. I recommend this excellent, unusual play and hope it gets a production.
  • GETTING WITH THE PROGRAM (a ten minute comedy)
    24 Feb. 2022
    I've had the pleasure of watching this delightful short play develop into its hilarious present state. Marj O'Neill-Butler writes beautifully relatable characters who are never afraid to express their feelings and fears, and the group of women in this play follow that road to a conclusion you may not expect, which makes it all the more worth your attention.
  • Vinterlys
    9 Feb. 2022
    There is some excellent imagery and much mystery in this short play. Even though I suspected something very unusual was going to happen, I was surprised. Tension throughout, and, like some of the other readers said, I wonder what happens next.
  • Generations
    9 Feb. 2022
    I highly recommend this sweet, complex look at relationships, young and old, which also highlights the importance of having a purpose, giving up guilt, and making amends - quite a lot, actually, for a short play, but wonderfully mapped out. I would think audiences would eat this story up and hope they get the chance.
  • The Shirt
    9 Feb. 2022
    I enjoyed this short, sweet play, and could relate, as I had an aunt who refused to wear black to funerals because she thought the deceased should be celebrated, and wearing colorful clothes was her way of showing what she felt. Some of the relatives would roll their eyes, but I believe she had the right idea, and so does Ms. Sullivan.
  • And Be Gay
    9 Feb. 2022
    A clever take on how to handle protests in light of recent newsworthy ones. I won't give away the ending, but it's a clever and apt surprise. Enjoy!
    4 Feb. 2022
    An excellent example of a great setup leading to a surprising conclusion, with Ms. O'Neill-Butler's signature well-written, snappy and comic dialogue. Great title, too! Though reminiscent of Noel Coward, it works as a gay comedy, something Coward wasn't able to write in his day. This should be a hit in any short play festival.
  • Holding On
    28 Jan. 2022
    After reading this play, I had to sit for a moment. It's such a moving and cleverly constructed play, with a lot of heart, subtly revealed, deeply felt. Quite an accomplishment for a six-page play. Well done!
  • Rotten Roots
    13 Jan. 2022
    I must compliment Ms. Feeney for this compelling and ultimately satisfying and twisty play. Secrets are revealed perfectly and surprisingly, by strong characters. The story begins in a way which has you wondering how the characters are connected and the answer is revealed in an extremely clever way. Kudos to Ms. Feeney for this idea and for the way she ramps up the drama to a logical conclusion.
    4 Dec. 2021
    I viewed a performance of this lovely play, where two people confront loneliness and some fears about how life will go on without loved ones. It is very moving, sweet and funny, and leads to a satisfying conclusion where the two comfort each other, moving towards what we would hope is a new and lasting friendship.
