Recommended by Jan Rosenberg

  • When We Were gods
    22 Apr. 2020
    Why do we romanticize so much of Greek Mythology when so much is bullshit? Why do we accept history the way it's told to us through a purely white lens? Amara's story of the Greek Gods is a rightful history. I so appreciate the centering on LGBTQ+ casting. And I loved hearing so many folks standing up to Zeus and giving the story back to Venus. Amara's dialogue is music and fire. We need more plays like this produced, people.
  • Wunderkammer
    22 Mar. 2020
    Magical, macabre, punk rock. It made me think of FREAKS, Tim Burton, The Threepenny Opera, and nods to other very dark fairytales. So, so lovely.
  • Down Cellar
    21 Mar. 2020
    WOW. HOLY SH*T. A truly tense, deliciously scary play about breaking dangerous patterns we learn from our parents.
  • Guarding
    15 Mar. 2020
    This is such a cool play...we never think about the fact that we employ TEENAGERS to be in charge of saving people's lives. I loved the ominous tone throughout, the mystery, and the glimpses we get of these kids' lives as they go through the motions of trying to keep people from accidentally killing themselves. Reminded me a bit of THE FLICK.
  • Before Evening Comes
    14 Mar. 2020
    Stunning, magical, and brutal. A not so subtle metaphor about how the U.S views and disposes of black bodies. This play is like music, and I can only imagine what it would be like to hear the beats in person.
  • the wolf you feed
    14 Mar. 2020
    This is fantastic. Dark, creepy, and laugh out loud funny. I absolutely loved the world of this play and all of the characters. The wolf that wins is the one you feed.
  • Big Black Balloon
    9 Mar. 2020
    Loved this play. It's so rare to see eating disorders manifested onstage, ESPECIALLY a story that focuses on a male with body dysmorphia and exercise addiction. I loved how Henry and Cleo's insecurities manifest as imaginary friends. Because let's face it, who doesn't have a voice in their head sometimes?
  • Charlie's Waiting
    9 Mar. 2020
    I love Melisa's writing. Louise and Kelly have a great relationship, but the day before their wedding, a mysterious stranger threatens to ruin everything. Really makes you question how well you know the person you love. Very suspenseful (and funny AF).
  • The New Galileos
    9 Mar. 2020
    My heart was in my throat reading this. Amy has written a play with the highest of stakes-there are no easy choices, and this play is eerily plausible. We get to know the 3 imprisoned women well through flashbacks, and it makes the ending all the more harrowing. A very important play for this time.
  • The Mermaids' Parade
    9 Mar. 2020
    This play is magic. It's a punk fairytale set in Coney Island. Gina's characters and dialogue is always electric, and I loved how this play plays with myths and then debunks them. Funny and tragic and hopeful.
