Aaron Murphy's short drama set in the 1990s humanely shows multiple sides to its controversial issue: the philosophical/theoretical side, the loving/emotional side, and the side with matter-of-fact, lived experience. Murphy finds a balance between them, neither judging nor treating them as mouthpieces nor sentimentalizing them.
"One Final Caller" has strongly identified characters, amazing opportunities for a sound designer, especially, and a thoughtful, encompassing perspective. [24/10/22]
Aaron Murphy's short drama set in the 1990s humanely shows multiple sides to its controversial issue: the philosophical/theoretical side, the loving/emotional side, and the side with matter-of-fact, lived experience. Murphy finds a balance between them, neither judging nor treating them as mouthpieces nor sentimentalizing them.
"One Final Caller" has strongly identified characters, amazing opportunities for a sound designer, especially, and a thoughtful, encompassing perspective. [24/10/22]