Recommended by Scott Sickles

  • Meeting Neil
    7 Jun. 2022
    We’ve all been parts of or ALL of this conversation, which is less of a discussion and more of a cacophony! This perfectly rendered maelstrom of umbrage demonstrates everything wrong with liberal disunity. Unless someone advocates for EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME, then SOMEONE’S got to bitch about the gaps in their activism. Rather, EVERYONE has to bitch about EVERYONE ELSE’S LACK OF ACTIVISM! It’s exhausting! Fortunately, the play is invigorating, sharp, and thorough! (If it wasn’t, the characters would break the fourth wall to complain.) And it totally sticks the landing!
  • The Scorpion and the Frog
    5 Jun. 2022

    Brilliant Baughfman takes the world’s most worn out trope/fable and gives it a wickedly fresh new spin! A glorious send up of morality tales for children that nevertheless teaches a lesson. Is it a good lesson? Well… It’s certainly a funny one!

    A fabulously fractured fairy tale!
  • Picnic
    5 Jun. 2022
    I am forever amazed at what Ruben Carbajal can achieve in such a short period of time, with so few words. I should be used to it by now, but every time... every damn time.

    This play succinctly makes its indictment with cold, sharp clarity that sears the air and brands the guilty. Bravo!
    4 Jun. 2022
    Despite the precarious circumstances, I’m only modestly concerned for Lidia. She’s got her guard up and her righteous indignation down. In her tirade, her beautiful tearing down of a persistent street harasser, Wyndham builds a vivid street scene in the reader’s/listener’s head. It’s dirty, dangerous, discomfiting. It also shines a harsh light on violence against all women. Lidia’s ferocity is inspiring, primarily because under the acerbic veneer is a woman who knows what kind of danger she’s in.
  • Time
    2 Jun. 2022
    Dear God this is exquisite!

    The economy of words is diametrically opposed to the depth of feeling, which makes this piece a bona fide miracle. It defies linguistic and emotional physics.

    Many authors, great authors, have written volumes upon volumes about the moment Carbajal depicts here on one page with a string of 1-to-2-word lines.

    Somehow more elegant than poetry and more powerful than an atom bombs, a thing of absolute beauty.

    I gush. How can I not?

    1 Jun. 2022
    A gorgeously crafted confection from the opening image to the final fade. It begins like the end of THE GRADUATE only there’s much more not right from the get-go, even as Alicia and Jerry discover how much their differences matter. Even better are the discoveries WE get to make about THEM as Levine reveals more and more of their history, who they are as individuals, and how they became a couple. It’s funny and heartfelt without being too saccharine or sentimental. No, this one is just sentimental enough. A delight!

  • Madness (a monologue)
    1 Jun. 2022
    O Renfield, my Renfield!

    What a lovely peek into the madness of literature and cinema’s most mentally dismantled sidekick. There’s an unholy loneliness in just how disposable this Renfield knows he is. It’s a terrible awareness made even sadder by doubt. Lawing resonates his futility and isolation by using howling as a kind of emotional echolocation. He’s given his Renfield immortality in my heart.
  • Childhood Home
    31 May. 2022
    What beautiful snapshot. Instead of capturing a mere moment, Cole gives us a combination pinpoint panorama that’s as deep and complex beneath the surface as it is simple to the naked eye.
  • Father of the Dead
    29 May. 2022
    Pitch black and pitch perfect, Floyd-Priskorn has fashioned a wonderfully ill-equipped pater for the apocalypse! The kind of dad who, even during a zombie encroachment, can always give his kids a reason to run from him. The circumstances evolve into a lovely discovery and twist by the end of its sixty seconds. Great fun!!!
  • Eden 2
    29 May. 2022
    Delightful characters, classic sci-fi tropes, and big ideas made buoyant by a very fun wit! This take on the alpha, the omega, and the omnipotent will make audiences laugh and think, while keeping them on the edge of their seats.
