Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

I begin with research. Observing. Gleaning. Dreaming. I like to find things I wrote or thought long ago. And rework it. Or insert it. Building around or in spite of that old voice. Beginning theatre’s collaboration with a collaboration with my other selves. I like extremes. Heightened reality. Believable flamboyance. I love it when things are blunt. And I love it when things hide in subtext. My writing has a quiet sense of humor that seeps in. It explores people’s relationships with relationships. Examines people’s disconnects. Experiments with how to live. I’ve spent time learning the rules, so I can break them while still tying down the corners in my writing. Aiming for understanding. Connection. Conversation. I long for what's weird and a good laugh.

I’m inspired by myths (ancient and everyday - personal and global). Music (like the Violent Femmes or Sunset Rubdown). Art (anything accredited to Hieronymus Bosch). And junk floating around the internet.

Nature likes to pop up in my work. Particularly water and fire and women named for trees. I draw from my family's summer cottage on a lake. A cottage for which I have complicated feelings and a lake that is pure beauty.

I write about coming of age and searching for connections. I'm not picky with genres. Writing structured farce or experimental collages or something new. I construct whatever serves my stories as they break from reality in a search for truth.

I aim to leave my audience soaring with new thoughts and a sense of belonging.