Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

I’m deeply invested in a feminist, female-focused dramaturgy. I like to joke that any story or piece of media I like, I’d enjoy more if it had a female protagonist, or more lesbians, or both.

So: I want to see and create theatre that puts women front and center. I strive to tell stories that value women’s relationships with other women, romantic and otherwise, and that place female protagonists in the big classical conflicts: Woman vs. Nature, Woman vs. Self, Woman vs. Society. I also want to make these stories about women intersectional, and make space for directors and actors who are trans*, or disabled, or people of color, to create meanings in my plays that I haven’t even thought about yet. That part of my craft is a work in progress, and maybe always will be, but it’s exciting, too.

I’m drawn to collaboration, with living artists and with dead authors. A lot of my work focuses on adaptation and remixing – collaborating with artists, texts, and tropes from the past – and I enjoy working with a director and cast to shape an interesting idea into a good script and a great play.