Recommended by Adam Richter

  • Adam Richter: Made by Thumb

    It was the curtain call that did me in.
    Once again, Scott Sickles proves he has more talent in his two thumbs than most of us have in our entire bodies. "Made By Thumb" is a silly, on-target spoof of disaster films, English period dramas, comedies of manners and meta-plays. I giggled at each line, sometimes descending into outright chortling. This play would be a hoot for actors and audiences, and a pip for costume designers. I loved it.

    It was the curtain call that did me in.
    Once again, Scott Sickles proves he has more talent in his two thumbs than most of us have in our entire bodies. "Made By Thumb" is a silly, on-target spoof of disaster films, English period dramas, comedies of manners and meta-plays. I giggled at each line, sometimes descending into outright chortling. This play would be a hoot for actors and audiences, and a pip for costume designers. I loved it.

  • Adam Richter: Tennessee Is Such A Drag, a monologue

    This monologue is angry and bellicose, and just what we need right now as hateful nitwits in power try to strip away the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans. It's a reminder that no battle for equality is ever over, not as long as there are fascist morons who get to sit in the halls of power in this country. Bravo, Sam!

    This monologue is angry and bellicose, and just what we need right now as hateful nitwits in power try to strip away the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans. It's a reminder that no battle for equality is ever over, not as long as there are fascist morons who get to sit in the halls of power in this country. Bravo, Sam!

  • Adam Richter: I Miss the Stars: A Monologue

    An incredibly moving and blood-boiling monologue about the injustice system and how it dehumanizes and mistreats people, particularly Black men. In just over a page, Debra Cole lays out a universe that we all know too well from the headlines and gives us a detailed glimpse of the struggle of one man. A powerful monologue that audiences need to see.

    An incredibly moving and blood-boiling monologue about the injustice system and how it dehumanizes and mistreats people, particularly Black men. In just over a page, Debra Cole lays out a universe that we all know too well from the headlines and gives us a detailed glimpse of the struggle of one man. A powerful monologue that audiences need to see.

  • Adam Richter: Something Gay and Dumb

    And charming. Don't forget charming. This sweet two-hander is a great burst of comedy and linguistic gymnastics between two bros. I loved it.

    And charming. Don't forget charming. This sweet two-hander is a great burst of comedy and linguistic gymnastics between two bros. I loved it.

  • Adam Richter: Hotel Room Checkout

    The rapid-fire dialogue and the impossible situation in which the guest finds himself make "Hotel Room Checkout" a funny and engaging short play. I kept thinking of this as a cross between "The Front Page" and "No Exit," but that's an unfair comparison: Brian Gray depicts hell way better than Jean-Paul Sartre ever could.

    The rapid-fire dialogue and the impossible situation in which the guest finds himself make "Hotel Room Checkout" a funny and engaging short play. I kept thinking of this as a cross between "The Front Page" and "No Exit," but that's an unfair comparison: Brian Gray depicts hell way better than Jean-Paul Sartre ever could.

  • Adam Richter: Coming In

    "COMING IN" is a brilliant farce that takes on the familiar 'meet-the-parents' storyline and turns it into something new and laugh-out-loud funny. A great comedy about identity that audiences and performers would love. Bravo!

    "COMING IN" is a brilliant farce that takes on the familiar 'meet-the-parents' storyline and turns it into something new and laugh-out-loud funny. A great comedy about identity that audiences and performers would love. Bravo!

  • Adam Richter: Better Lactate Then, Heifer

    It's nice to know that humans aren't the only ones who experience existential dread. Sam Heyman's 1-minute play starring two thoughtful cows is a delightful (and all too short, IMHO) gem, perfect for any short play festival.

    It's nice to know that humans aren't the only ones who experience existential dread. Sam Heyman's 1-minute play starring two thoughtful cows is a delightful (and all too short, IMHO) gem, perfect for any short play festival.

  • Adam Richter: Lady of the Manor

    This is a great tale of clashing cultures with a wonderful twist that is both surprising and completely organic. I don't want to give anything away, but Deb Cole's comedy of manners is a perfect tale for our times. Delightful!

    This is a great tale of clashing cultures with a wonderful twist that is both surprising and completely organic. I don't want to give anything away, but Deb Cole's comedy of manners is a perfect tale for our times. Delightful!

  • Adam Richter: A Playwright Asks... "What if?" PART TWO

    Playwriting is a paradox of an art form: at once solitary and dependent on others. Sam Heyman documents this tension so brilliantly in this short audio play that will resonate with ANYONE who needs/relies on the feedback from others for their works. It's a poignant reminder on how to set expectations for others, and how to be gracious with ourselves. BRAVO!

    Playwriting is a paradox of an art form: at once solitary and dependent on others. Sam Heyman documents this tension so brilliantly in this short audio play that will resonate with ANYONE who needs/relies on the feedback from others for their works. It's a poignant reminder on how to set expectations for others, and how to be gracious with ourselves. BRAVO!

  • Adam Richter: Prompt 16

    What Debra said. Sometimes play requirements are ridiculous and this short piece nails the frustrations of a thousand writers. Yes to this.

    What Debra said. Sometimes play requirements are ridiculous and this short piece nails the frustrations of a thousand writers. Yes to this.