Recommended by Adam Richter

  • Adam Richter: Time Motion Dilation

    My god, Joe Swenson is brilliant.
    That's what I said to myself after finishing this play, which is a gripping tale of time travel, both in theory and practice. I fear that to say any more about this play would give away too much, but I will add that "Motion Time Dilation" will give audiences a thrilling and profound experience, and leave them with a lot to think about after leaving the theater.
    Please, somebody produce this play.

    My god, Joe Swenson is brilliant.
    That's what I said to myself after finishing this play, which is a gripping tale of time travel, both in theory and practice. I fear that to say any more about this play would give away too much, but I will add that "Motion Time Dilation" will give audiences a thrilling and profound experience, and leave them with a lot to think about after leaving the theater.
    Please, somebody produce this play.

  • Adam Richter: CYRANO ON THE MOON

    A fantastic, fantastical and wonderfully theatrical sequel to "Cyrano" that gives the heroes the ending they deserve, even if two-thirds of them didn't live to see the end of the first play.
    I have always loved Monica Cross' playful use of language, and that is on full display in this brilliant play.

    A fantastic, fantastical and wonderfully theatrical sequel to "Cyrano" that gives the heroes the ending they deserve, even if two-thirds of them didn't live to see the end of the first play.
    I have always loved Monica Cross' playful use of language, and that is on full display in this brilliant play.

  • Adam Richter: Sudden, Unfortunate, and Unexpected Tendencies

    I generally disdain fortune-tellers that dupe unsuspecting people into parting with their money. But Tina is a much more complicated, and much more sympathetic, person than I've previously thought. This is a rich piece and a beautiful story about two people searching the universe for answers. Actors would have a blast with this short piece, and so would audiences.

    I generally disdain fortune-tellers that dupe unsuspecting people into parting with their money. But Tina is a much more complicated, and much more sympathetic, person than I've previously thought. This is a rich piece and a beautiful story about two people searching the universe for answers. Actors would have a blast with this short piece, and so would audiences.

  • Adam Richter: Not THAT Steve Martin

    Whether you know the real Steve Martin (no, not THAT one) or not, "Not THAT Steve Martin" will make you laugh. Hilary Bluestein-Lyons gives us a perfectly paced farce about a group of friends who make the wrong assumptions of a newcomer to their group but don't care to be told otherwise. The dialogue is razor-sharp. This would be a great addition to any 10-minute festival. Bravo!

    Whether you know the real Steve Martin (no, not THAT one) or not, "Not THAT Steve Martin" will make you laugh. Hilary Bluestein-Lyons gives us a perfectly paced farce about a group of friends who make the wrong assumptions of a newcomer to their group but don't care to be told otherwise. The dialogue is razor-sharp. This would be a great addition to any 10-minute festival. Bravo!

  • Adam Richter: Big Black Giraffe

    Some people refuse to believe warnings about impending disaster unless it LITERALLY LOOKS THEM RIGHT IN THE FACE. "Big Black Giraffe" exposes an unfortunate truth about our society, where objective reality isn't considered credible unless it's filtered through the right TV channels. This is a funny and thought-provoking play, with tons of comedic material for the right actors to mine.

    Some people refuse to believe warnings about impending disaster unless it LITERALLY LOOKS THEM RIGHT IN THE FACE. "Big Black Giraffe" exposes an unfortunate truth about our society, where objective reality isn't considered credible unless it's filtered through the right TV channels. This is a funny and thought-provoking play, with tons of comedic material for the right actors to mine.


    Anyone who works in education or has any interactions with people who do will feel this monologue in their bones. The culture wars that know-nothing nitwits are engaging at the school board level will turn the youth of America into boorish, close-minded idiots, as Asher Wyndham so effectively shows us.

    I'd like this to be read and performed far and wide, in the hopes that the morons who are the targets of Wyndham's protagonist's righteous (and wholly justified) anger will maybe pause before taking another wrecking ball to American education.

    A vital and urgent monologue.

    Anyone who works in education or has any interactions with people who do will feel this monologue in their bones. The culture wars that know-nothing nitwits are engaging at the school board level will turn the youth of America into boorish, close-minded idiots, as Asher Wyndham so effectively shows us.

    I'd like this to be read and performed far and wide, in the hopes that the morons who are the targets of Wyndham's protagonist's righteous (and wholly justified) anger will maybe pause before taking another wrecking ball to American education.

    A vital and urgent monologue.

  • Adam Richter: Untimely, or, the Joy of Procrastination

    To the perennially punctual, there is no worse irritation than having to deal with those who are always late. It's an annoyance, sure, but it's also great comedy in this fantastic short play that pits type-A Chuck against type-Z Ginny, who is a maestro of procrastination and a firm believer that it all works out in the end. Is she right this time? Read the play and find out. You will be delighted.

    To the perennially punctual, there is no worse irritation than having to deal with those who are always late. It's an annoyance, sure, but it's also great comedy in this fantastic short play that pits type-A Chuck against type-Z Ginny, who is a maestro of procrastination and a firm believer that it all works out in the end. Is she right this time? Read the play and find out. You will be delighted.

  • Adam Richter: I'm Gonna Need You to Log off for Me

    Absolutely brilliant satire of the current AI debate. Like all good satires, Daniel Prilliaman's play forces us to confront a question no one is talking about: How does the AI feel about all this stolen art?

    Like all of Daniel's works, this is worth reading over and over. Someone should produce this before the robots take over.

    Absolutely brilliant satire of the current AI debate. Like all good satires, Daniel Prilliaman's play forces us to confront a question no one is talking about: How does the AI feel about all this stolen art?

    Like all of Daniel's works, this is worth reading over and over. Someone should produce this before the robots take over.

  • Adam Richter: All The Pretty Colored Bottles Under The Sink

    What a creepy and foreboding play! Hannah Lee DeFrates sets the perfect tone with this thriller, playing the tension perfectly throughout so that even when you think you know the answer to the mystery, the climax still comes as a shock.
    This would be a great addition to an evening of horror plays. Bravo!

    What a creepy and foreboding play! Hannah Lee DeFrates sets the perfect tone with this thriller, playing the tension perfectly throughout so that even when you think you know the answer to the mystery, the climax still comes as a shock.
    This would be a great addition to an evening of horror plays. Bravo!

  • Adam Richter: Space Laser, In Space!

    How good is this play? So good that it convinced me Jewish Space Lasers, though not real, are necessary.

    Jillian Blevins has written a sharp, funny and thought-provoking satire that skewers bigotry without downplaying the real harm that it can do. That's a fine line and she balances it perfectly.

    How good is this play? So good that it convinced me Jewish Space Lasers, though not real, are necessary.

    Jillian Blevins has written a sharp, funny and thought-provoking satire that skewers bigotry without downplaying the real harm that it can do. That's a fine line and she balances it perfectly.