Recommended by Adam Richter

  • There Were No Homoerotic Undertones, But At Least There Was Cheese
    10 Oct. 2023
    A lovely short play about friendship and love that, fortunately or unfortunately (depending on your per perspective), avoids the temptation to devolve into cheese puns.
    James and Bill have a beautiful friendship, and Martin explores the depth of that friendship with wit and heart. This play would be a treat for audiences as well as for the actors, as Martin has given them plenty of rich material.
    Finally, I have to give Steve Martin credit for NOT naming this delightful two-hander "How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Wheys."
  • A Crossing
    7 Oct. 2023
    Sometimes connecting with the right person is all about the timing. In Lee R. Lawing's tender and hopeful two-hander, Heather and Joey, two strangers, each carry the burden of grief but they do so in different ways. A beautiful, stage-ready play that lingers long after the lights go down. Bravo!
  • Colic
    12 Aug. 2023
    Sometimes children become host bodies to demonic possession because of an eternal battle between the divine forces of good and evil.

    Sometimes they just do it for the attention.

    Melissa, the mother of such a hellion in "Colic," thinks it's the latter, and her nonchalant attitude is just one highlight of this hilarious sendup of "The Exorcist." Of course, as a Scott Sickles play, this is no mere parody. "Colic" examines parenthood, relationships and figuring out what we really want in life. I would love to see this on stage.
  • Spooky U: The Thing in the Dorm Room
    10 Aug. 2023
    Read this with the lights on.
    "The Thing in the Dorm Room" is a chilling ode to the horrifying world of H.P. Lovecraft, and Christopher Soucy extends that universe in a story that is at once universal and one of a kind.
    For those who've been following the "Spooky U" saga of shorts, this is a frighteningly good installment. Reggie is no longer dealing with microaggressions here.
  • No Clients in Baseball (Ten Minute Play)
    9 Aug. 2023
    Cringe-inducing and hilarious comedy that puts both a therapist and their client in the worst possible situation together: A little league game. I love this piece, even though it has turned me off to ever going to one of my kids' sports games ever again.
    9 Aug. 2023
    An astounding portrait of a truly awful person. In his masterful style, ASHER WYNDHAM gets you on Karen's side at first, but then he takes you on a journey that leaves you realizing she is a warning: to schools, to parents and to society. This monologue is a brilliant snapshot of what MAGAland wants from teachers.
  • Spooky U: The Kimchi Treaty
    9 Aug. 2023
    "The Kimchi Treaty" has two important lessons that need more attention in modern drama:
    1) Most differences between perceived enemies are slight and petty squabbles with origins too dumb to take seriously when looked at through the lens of reason.
    2) Kimchee is freakin' delicious.
    Are those two observations related in this play? Yes! Am I going to tell you how? No!
    Read it for yourself. Enjoy. And grab a napkin.
  • Chestburster (a monologue)
    9 Aug. 2023
    At the center of parenting is fear, but in the center of THAT is joy. And if you can put aside all the fears that come with watching your little person grow up, the aforementioned joy is without comparison.
    That specific genus of joy is the heartbeat of Scott Sickles' "Chestburster," a much-needed tale of a gay parent crowing about their gay child's first romantic kiss.
    This short monologue is a shining gem in a world desperate for some kind of light. Bravo, Scott!
  • Taken to School
    6 Aug. 2023
    A wild ride for father, son and audience. John Busser has given us a funny, tension-filled two-hander with twists around every turn. Bravo!
  • Spooky U: Race Relations
    6 Aug. 2023
    Christopher Soucy's latest "Spooky U" episode features sword fighting (yay!) and a book that may or may not be covered with human skin, yet the most horrifying segment involves white people asking the cringiest (of course) questions of Reggie and Shannon, the only non-white students at school. This is a brilliant satire of, well, race relations, with an ending that tells us the journey of Reggie and Shannon is not over. I can't wait to see what Christopher has in store for them next.
