Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

I started writing plays because I love telling stories – especially ones that feature female characters. As an actor myself, I found more and more roles I auditioned for lacked depth and challenge, especially ones for older women.

My main goal is to create works that feature strong, complex female characters – ones I would want to portray. Most of the stories I tell focus on relationships in situations that cause stress, either funny or dramatic. Sometimes the inspiration comes from a personal event or experience that makes me wonder – “what would happen if…”

My work is best suited for small to medium spaces, usually with one set, 4-6 characters and subjects that are relatable to the general audience.

What I know about theatre comes from my years of being on stage and behind the scenes, either as a director or as a member of the tech crew. While I got my start writing later than most, I hope to be doing it for years to come!