Daniel Damiano

Recommended by
  • A taut, brisk and sharp satire on our hashtag age.

    A taut, brisk and sharp satire on our hashtag age.

  • A warm, affectionate piece exploring the dynamics between a long-married couple and their son and daughter, and the effect that their own marital realization has on themselves and the family as a whole. Moving and honestly told.

    A warm, affectionate piece exploring the dynamics between a long-married couple and their son and daughter, and the effect that their own marital realization has on themselves and the family as a whole. Moving and honestly told.

  • A hoot of a monologue, identifiable for any theatre practicioner or audience.

    A hoot of a monologue, identifiable for any theatre practicioner or audience.

  • I saw this in NYC and enjoyed the power dynamic of the three characters. The piece addresses the desperation of a life in sales and the duplicity that often exists in order for one to survive. Humorous, engaging and unsettling.

    I saw this in NYC and enjoyed the power dynamic of the three characters. The piece addresses the desperation of a life in sales and the duplicity that often exists in order for one to survive. Humorous, engaging and unsettling.

  • A sweet short. Whether you're savvy about baseball or not, the piece tells a simple tale, centering on a baseball announcer at the end of his broadcasting career, in an amusing and brisk way.

    A sweet short. Whether you're savvy about baseball or not, the piece tells a simple tale, centering on a baseball announcer at the end of his broadcasting career, in an amusing and brisk way.

View all 11 recommendations