Recommended by Asher Wyndham

  • Women Wear White - Ten Minute Play
    6 May. 2018
    HIghly recommended 10-minute that exposes -- through humor -- a longstanding problem with feminism, even now in the age of #metoo movement: its ideology and rhetoric (styled since the early days of the Suffragettes (serves the interests of white women, and it's ignorant of the realities of other women -- women of color. A conversation-starter, a smart choice for any festival on women, politics, and social issues. The ending, a transformation through costuming, was totally expected; this spectacle serves to make its point more poignant, its criticism more severe. Well done!
  • Palindrome Love
    24 Apr. 2018
    An absurdist spectacle of language and love - structurally unlike any play I've read on New Play Exchange, a play that both Oulipo (the French group of experimental writers including Georges Perec) and Pinter (if he were alive) would luv. Check out this masterful work NOW. WOW.
  • Inez Cupcakes Starring in: "Math Problems"
    22 Apr. 2018
    Another installment in Martin's elementary school plays starring Inez Cupcake with Kiki Pineapple was a pleasant surprise this morning! The theme - about 'friends wanting their friends to be their best' - was unexpected for a kid's play - and it's so necessary to remember, practice and preach at school and beyond. A great message for adults too! I look forward to reading another installment - this and the first play in the series are two of my favorite TYA plays of all time, for real! Highly recommended for girls that luv math problems and drama teachers.
  • Good Guy with a Gun
    21 Apr. 2018
    Using the structure of a gameshow, this one-of-kind-play puts the "good guy with a gun argument" in the crosshairs and shows it as the wrong response to gun violence in America. If you're producing a festival on gun control, check out this play.
  • Retch Gag Spew Hurl Heave Eject
    21 Apr. 2018
    No stage directions needed: this monologue is a physical one, the perfect one for an actor to showcase his/her/their talent with movement and use of space and vocal range.
  • Three Cheerleaders Cheering for the Worst Team in the History of High School Sports
    21 Apr. 2018
    Peter's monologue is a perfect monologue for an auditioning actor. The words will weigh on your heart, you'll probably see yourself in him. The obnoxious, airhead cheerleaders, on the other hand, whose ramblings on freedom and anti-racism fall flat -- on purpose. These cheerleaders may make you think about all those progressives/liberals that do nothing about the problems they complain about. I would love to see these characters, especially more of Peter, in a longer work.
    21 Apr. 2018
    I hope Carnes writes more monologues -- a whole collection, please -- I'm a big fan of her multi-character plays with its attention on language and how it expresses her themes and emotional development of character. This stand-out monologue on an ignored woman of history, one of too many, is a lyrical rumination on the lack of specific education, intellectual development, and attention by a parent -- but it's not joyless -- it's a heartfelt, hopeful play about women's enterprises, ideas, art, scientific discoveries, observations, dreams. A smart choice for an actress, a smart choice for a #metoo festival.
  • Frosty the Rogue Man
    21 Apr. 2018
    This play made me wonder about our fairy tales and cartoons...are they re-inforcing improper behavior in our boys..are they contributing to toxic masculinity? Is there an undeniable creepiness to many of our classic, celebrated male chracters during the holidays? The behavior of Frosty, the catcalling snowman in Haas's play, is not unlike men that I see in the park trying to get women's attention, even during the winter. An unexpected play addressing sexual harrasment and encouraging action - a great addition to any #metoo festival.
  • Accommodations
    21 Apr. 2018
    Hoke has given three actors a goldmine for exploring conflicting perspectives, policies, behaviors, and standards in a play frought with intensity that never lets up. It's difficult to take a side in this play - and in doing so makes you question yourself. You will never be disappointed by a play by Hoke. Highly recommended!
  • Sebastian and Chloe
    21 Apr. 2018
    Weaver gets better and better play after play - a master weaver of comedy plays! Where I thought this was going, it goes somewhere totally expected - and then he goes an entirely different direction. I would love to be in the room when this is rehearsed and even better when it's produced! If you're not reading Weaver's plays, you're missing out! His plays do the opposite of what most plays do --depress us, make us ruminate on what is awful about the world. His plays can enlarge the heart, make you smile, enjoy being alive.
