Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

By metaphor, I've tried to make this musical relevant, to change moods with the songs, to include love and obsession, and to keep the audience on seat-edge, but most of all to serve up relevance.
It’s about a man who has good intentions to reform, but is overcome by his addiction to drugs and sex:
• 20 million Americans addicted to drugs and 10 million to sex.
• (#MeToo) - Between the seduction of the innocent and women using their own power to decide.
• Teachers and students trysting: 15 reports per week
• Women protecting women--it is a working-class woman who is the heroine!
• Eroticism is at the heart of the myth and the story, and the soul of this musical, and this is the most sexually open era in two millennia at least.
• A genetic mutation from an animal bite may have prolonged our protagonist's life and stopped his aging.There is an abundance of articles on the prospect of science manipulating genes to stop aging and extend life.
• It is about loneliness, since he is different and any friends have long since passed. An expressed theme is that he is looking for acceptance, for family. Half of all Americans feel alone!
• He tries to change his nature from Alpha which men are trying to do right now.
• He concedes his life-long Alpha role for love.
• It is set in a time when the world had lost hope after WWI and the Lost Generation appeared, when women got the right to vote, when things were changing. The issue of virginity may seem passé, but not everywhere in the world. Revisiting the importance of it in times past give perspective.
• No coffins, no bats. I put no credence in the supernatural, but try to fashion a situation that is feasible to the materialist imagination. It removes the fantasy that protects us from the possibility of there being such an instance.