Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

Artist Statement

I continue to develop my ability to write plays. My focus is on writing plays about life in the Filipino community in Seattle much in the way that August Wilson wrote about the African American community. His many characters, I believe, open windows on the Black culture but also demonstrated the universality of human ethos. My stories are drawn on my near seventy years growing and being involved in the community. I attempt to form characters who are confounded by and struggle with everyday human relationships and issues. I’m also intrigued by Filipino mythology and folklore and occasionally incorporate elements of these in telling my stories to explore the universality of human drama.

I began writing plays some years ago after discovering my uncle Baltazar was the community’s playwright during the 1930s. I enrolled in courses at Freehold Theater, ACT Theater and Richard Hugo House. Through these I eventually developed my first full-length play titled “Daniel’s Mood – Mestizos”, published in 2011.

My second full-length play titled “The FAYTs – The Filipino American Young Turks” is a mythological adventure about several young Seattle-area Filipino Americans in the 1970s who sought to empower Filipinos through participation in the American political process. My play explores their vivid ambitions and corruptive influences with mythological characters drawn from the Philippines in telling their story of trust, betrayal and loyalty.

The third play in development is “My Uncle’s Letter’s”. It also draws on Philippine mythology to tell the story of two young, immigrants, Roberto and Ignacio as they make their way in 1930’s America. Their story isn’t just about the struggle immigrants face but also about the development of character and loyalty.