Clever banter between a seasoned Richard Wright and an up-and-coming James Baldwin syncopated with dance, song, rap, historical and literary allusions...all in a fantastical "what's the point of life if you can't dance at a café in Paris?!" setting which offers reparations to the two men. Blend of the surreal, meta-theatrical and the very real reach of American racism "on the other side of the planet". Loved how the play captures the intent of these two men and transcends borders of countries, cultures and time. Great ending!
Clever banter between a seasoned Richard Wright and an up-and-coming James Baldwin syncopated with dance, song, rap, historical and literary allusions...all in a fantastical "what's the point of life if you can't dance at a café in Paris?!" setting which offers reparations to the two men. Blend of the surreal, meta-theatrical and the very real reach of American racism "on the other side of the planet". Loved how the play captures the intent of these two men and transcends borders of countries, cultures and time. Great ending!