Recommended by John Busser

  • John Busser: Hitchers

    This play made me laugh from page 1. Hilarious! The biggest compliment I can give it is that I'm envious I didn't think of it. It's short, funny as hell and should be seen by everyone.

    This play made me laugh from page 1. Hilarious! The biggest compliment I can give it is that I'm envious I didn't think of it. It's short, funny as hell and should be seen by everyone.

  • John Busser: Language Barrier

    I was moved and saddened watching the disintegration of the two main character's friendship, caused by the immovable position we tend to take when meeting an opposing point of view. Ade's characters seemed all too real and I loved the fact that the focus of their rift, the younger student, never tells you which avenue she would pursue. Well worth the time and effort to produce this for the stage.

    I was moved and saddened watching the disintegration of the two main character's friendship, caused by the immovable position we tend to take when meeting an opposing point of view. Ade's characters seemed all too real and I loved the fact that the focus of their rift, the younger student, never tells you which avenue she would pursue. Well worth the time and effort to produce this for the stage.

  • John Busser: The Roast

    I actually muttered "Whoa!" at the end of this. I did NOT see that coming. Either put this as the first piece of a shorts festival to let people know they are in for an interesting evening, or last as a perfect capper to it.

    I actually muttered "Whoa!" at the end of this. I did NOT see that coming. Either put this as the first piece of a shorts festival to let people know they are in for an interesting evening, or last as a perfect capper to it.

  • John Busser: ME DIRECT

    I loved this. An odd idea carried out perfectly. "The rabbit is literally chewing the scenery." made me burst out laughing. Fun to read and I'd bet, fun to perform. Well done Rachel.

    I loved this. An odd idea carried out perfectly. "The rabbit is literally chewing the scenery." made me burst out laughing. Fun to read and I'd bet, fun to perform. Well done Rachel.

  • John Busser: Scripted (a ten minute play)

    A wonderful little 10 minute play that reminds you, no matter how much you plan, no matter how repetitive your days, you can always change what's about to happen. Levine never fails to entertain.

    A wonderful little 10 minute play that reminds you, no matter how much you plan, no matter how repetitive your days, you can always change what's about to happen. Levine never fails to entertain.

  • John Busser: It Wants to Kill Me

    That... was creepy. And fun to read. No special effects needed. Just good, solid actors for this wonderful little piece.

    That... was creepy. And fun to read. No special effects needed. Just good, solid actors for this wonderful little piece.

  • John Busser: A Sense of Stardom (a Monologue for Mr. Microphone)

    I don't know what's funnier. The piece about Mr. Microphone that Lawing wrote, or the fact that not only did I once HAVE a Mr. Microphone, I also sadly owned the same type of car he describes in this hilariously touching monologue... a Pinto. What else has he stolen from my younger days?

    I don't know what's funnier. The piece about Mr. Microphone that Lawing wrote, or the fact that not only did I once HAVE a Mr. Microphone, I also sadly owned the same type of car he describes in this hilariously touching monologue... a Pinto. What else has he stolen from my younger days?

  • John Busser: The Messages

    This was amazingly effective. I was hooked from the beginning of this technological ghost story. I would love to see this staged somewhere. Creepy and heart-breaking, Barry's play guarantees a captivated audience. Nobody will be texting during the performance. Possibly not after, either. A great showcase for an actor as well.

    This was amazingly effective. I was hooked from the beginning of this technological ghost story. I would love to see this staged somewhere. Creepy and heart-breaking, Barry's play guarantees a captivated audience. Nobody will be texting during the performance. Possibly not after, either. A great showcase for an actor as well.

  • John Busser: THE SANDSTORM (ten-minute play)

    Short, sad and oh so relevant. I was moved by the simplicity of the narrative and the characters, in just a few pages, had me concerned about their fate. Not a showy play at all, it is quiet but powerful.

    Short, sad and oh so relevant. I was moved by the simplicity of the narrative and the characters, in just a few pages, had me concerned about their fate. Not a showy play at all, it is quiet but powerful.

  • John Busser: Marathon (short play)

    This should be played on a loop over a sound system to anybody in a race or a gym.

    This should be played on a loop over a sound system to anybody in a race or a gym.