Recommended by Bruce Bonafede

  • Uncomplicated Bereavement
    16 Aug. 2018
    Scott Sickles is an evil genius who worships at the altar of Satan!...Okay, not really, though I'm sure there are plenty of religious nuts who would find this play sacrilegious to say the least. I found it delightful -- outrageous yet completely credible which, considering the content, is very difficult to pull off. Any further comment would risk a spoiler, so I'll leave it at that except to say this is a very entertaining short play. Well done!
    8 May. 2018
    This is one terrific play. The characters could easily wallow for 90 minutes in the stereotypes suggested by their ages and backgrounds (clever young playwright, wisecracking older ex-newspaperman), but they never do. Instead they gradually grow before our eyes into real, live human beings, while treating us to a veritable master-class on the act of collaboration. A play with many laughs that becomes surprisingly suspenseful, and ultimately very touching.
  • Memorial Day (Full Length)
    2 Apr. 2018
    A beautifully crafted, clear-eyed drama on the early days of the AIDS crisis. This play shows how even those lives the disease didn't end were changed forever. Told with wit, dark and surprising humor in the face of tragedy, and a deep heart.
