Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

Of the all fields or art I’m involved in, why do I love writing plays and theatre? It seems to me the only way to present social issues to an audience, and watch their reaction, and enlightenment, in real time. While one of the goals of my plays is to present the truth, and I do my best to be sensitive to the politics and social upheavals of our time, and to weave such awareness into my plays, I must say that my ultimate goal is something other than politics, something other than crusading for social causes. Rather, the goal is to create art that sits inside the contradictions and paradoxes of life beyond the issues of our time, that wrestles with the fear of death, and alienation, and loneliness, and spirituality – to meditate on these parts of life, and to hopefully, if successful, get closer to sharing The Truth that each of us already knows, and in so doing, become more connected to each other.