Recommended by David Patton

    19 Oct. 2021
    I thought to myself... What a couple of ungrateful wastrels! Dear old aunt Vickie has gone to the bother of having a Tofu freshly killed and stuffed, with a thought for her guests health and made it low cholesterol... sans butter.
    Unfortunately, she'd also made it sans flavour! Her good intent was not what her family of meat eaters had in mind for Thanksgiving, so instead, they head off for a very traditional Chinese meal!
    A perfect wee holiday tale... Except... No Crispy Duck? Really? Loved it
    17 Oct. 2021
    Aww shucks!
    This is sweet...and I love it.
    I was so busy looking for one of Lermond's signature twists at the end, that I was almost disappointed!
    Almost...I read it again, and realised that the twist was there right in front of me!
    Beautifully and cleverly written...thanks Vivian!
    17 Oct. 2021
    Yes!! An ambulance chaser gets his comeuppance!
    Sorry, but this wee play just struck the right note with me, a morality play for me.
    Dark comedy at it's best.
    A short, sweet treat for any small theatre group...except if performing in a retirement home...or maybe just perfect for such a venue...?
    17 Oct. 2021
    As usual, Vivian's plays are so strong on capturing the authentic dialogue she ascribes to each character.
    The brothers appear as a taciturn world weary and wary pair. Roscoe, however, has his interest piqued by a certain Miss 'Haight Ashbury' and sees more than just a summer romance.
    Our actress, or perhaps a Siren risen from the adjoining ocean, quickly and deftly re-focusses on Marty and easily leads him astray. Rich in dialogue, these three would be awesome on stage! Will she...?
  • To My Dearest Wife Mary
    15 Oct. 2021
    OOOHH you tease!
    How clever with your very obvious suicide notes leading us along physically and mentally.
    You got me...did not see that coming!
    I was relieved, I think I'll join him in the hedge for a dram
    I loved this wee tale...very O'Henry!
  • Dinner And A Show
    15 Oct. 2021
    Okay...truth be told, I'm not a romantic...usually.
    I don't do romance...normally.
    But thank you Rachel Feeney-Williams for suggesting we should read Jack's work.
    This is sweet without being smushy.
    Clever without being too smart for itself.
    The characters and the scenario of two people from very differing socio economic background are utterly believable.
    I hope they have that Pizza and a movie date...and then some.
  • Legacy - A Script In A Day
    15 Oct. 2021
    A harrowing tale of the little guy against the machine.
    This poor guy had lost everything through no fault if his own. Robbed by a relative.
    His home, livelihood, family, future...everything.
    He was wrong...he was dead.
    A beautifully crafted dismal tale with no fairy tale ending for the farmer.
    But perhaps...just maybe...some justice in the form of another relative...his now powerful son...we'll see.
    I hope there's a sequel, 'cause I'm intrigued!
  • The Old Railroad
    13 Oct. 2021
    I'm a sucker for short stories.
    I'm a sucker for great dialogue.
    I'm a sucker for Xmas tales...who ain't?
    This short, sweet, wee piece from Scott manages to tell us so much about their relationship as it is now, thoughts on Xmas past when they were boys, and the mixed emotions their 'old fashioned' Dad still raises in them even now as adults. I loved that it ends with them building the railway and tipping their caps to Dad!
  • It's Not Blood
    13 Oct. 2021
    The underlying tensions between the brothers occasionally surface as they discuss the imminent funeral of their younger brother.
    Their anger at his loss surfaces as they search for a figure to blame, and we see that their angst goes back a long way with their very differing views on the family ‘legacy.’
    The dialogue, sharp, quick, and cutting across each other would be electrifying on stage.
    8 Oct. 2021
    Vivian Lermond takes a fresh slant on winter's cold and unwelcome arrival in this timely seasonal piece. This beautifully prosaic wee piece tells why winter is truly the season of rest and renewal.
