Recommended by Maximillian Gill

  • #CaseyandTommyGetHitched
    31 Jan. 2020
    One of the many things that impress me about Wagner’s play is the deft use of an ensemble cast. Although certain central relationships are key to the story, each character is specific and richly detailed and has a clear narrative arc. I would highly recommend this play for companies looking for good roles for a group of young actors. I also want to remark on the humor, which is very specific to the language and culture of millennials at a certain point in their post-college years, but it is also easily accessible.
  • One Month Along
    30 Jan. 2020
    Yes, Gonzales is taking on that famous play by Pinter with this piece, but the writer's voice and his characters are so specific I quickly forgot I was watching something based on something else. The play depicts a love triangle between a woman and two men she is involved with, yet Gonzalez takes the time to also render the special intimacy between the two male characters with a sensitivity that I find rare and truly wonderful.
  • Second Death of a Mad Wife
    30 Jan. 2020
    A beautifully rendered Gothic mystery that doesn't even actually feel like a mystery until you have become completely immersed in its darkly layered evocations of unseemly deeds and minds pushed just a little too far past the edge. In the reading, I just let the beautiful language wash over me and take me to places richly populated by finely detailed characters. I am sure seeing the visuals come alive would be an entirely different experience, and I dearly hope I have the chance to see a full production.
  • Go Down, Moses
    30 Jan. 2020
    I cannot overstate the relevance of this nuanced and involving examination of political tensions at a college in the 1980s. We see how the political concerns of the professors, the veterans who have seen some of the ugliest sides of humanity, are reflected by students, who are just starting to figure things out. Yet the play is never didactic. We are forced to continually question our positions along with the characters. Some moments are truly heart-breaking. Wonderful work!
