Recommended by Stephen Foglia

  • Invincible Ones
    23 Sep. 2019
    I've seen Invincible Ones in two developmental presentations and come away each time so impressed by how prickly, funny, and gut-wrenching it is. Samantha Cooper writes fully blooded characters, with sharp elbows and rich relationships. She has a gift for turning a comic character beat into a sudden accusation leveled right at the patriarchy. This is a great piece for actors, with a mostly-female-identifying cast.
  • Black Hollow
    23 Sep. 2019
    Black Hollow is a lovely, probing play with a number of tricks up its sleeve. Hemphill starts with an Our Town overture that hurtles swiftly into one of the more sickeningly recognizable tragedies of modern American life. On the other side of that tragedy, the play transforms and grows two new branches -- one a forensic examination of how violence is nurtured in our communities and most intimate relationships, the other a sensitive and finally hopeful story of survivors attempting to overcome trauma. This is a wonderful ensemble piece with roles for all ages.
  • you do not look
    23 Sep. 2019
    What I love about you do not look is the way Stout has written a play of violence and healing that makes room for small gestures and humor both high and low. She's painted the world in a kind of fog, where painful absences are hard to distinguish from "the way things are" and forgotten women feed on gas station ramen in sad hotel rooms, where ghosts walk arm in arm with implacable encyclopedia saleswomen. I saw a beautiful workshop production a couple years ago and look forward to this play's future!
