Recommended by Jordan Noble

    20 Dec. 2022
    I had the pleasure of seeing this play read by Walking Shadow Reader’s Theatre. The fascinating premise is played out beautifully through scenes that introduce us to the rules of the game naturally, making this possible near future seem inevitable. From there, the characters confront very real and sometimes uncomfortable realities of grief with believable and recognizable frailties. All the time, there’s a fascinating examination of what makes us human in the digital age and whether the technology we use to express ourselves can ever come close to representing us honestly. Loved it.
  • MLM is for Murder (Or, Your Side Hustle is Killing Us)
    7 Oct. 2022
    This play is a wonderful distillation of the zeitgeist. MLMs, true crime podcasting, and the distant but connected world we all live in now. Fun and funny on the page, it's also very well suited to the stage.
  • M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions
    6 Oct. 2022
    Brandli creates a surreal setting that constantly puts the audience in mind of the far reaches of our solar system, while playing out a very personal and human story. The repeated interplay of the solar flare (a wonderful offer to lighting designers) with the emotional journey of Pauline takes her struggle to let go beyond the bounds of her hobbling orbit and envelopes the theater. The unsettling mystery of the fate of her daughter pair beautifully with the dreamlike elements of the plot to create a strange but very believable and accessible play.
  • 27 MOTHS
    29 Sep. 2022
    This play is an absolute nightmare. I mean that in the best way! As I read, I feel like I experienced it in the same way as a dream — constantly jumping around in time, shifting symbols, mysterious conflations, and ultimately a rhetorical upshot that will linger for a long time because it unsettled me so. I went looking in NPX for something daring and different and found it here. It’s also a wonderful gift to designers and maybe even choreographers, because the stylistic offers in the dialogue are fantastic.
  • Places (one-act version)
    14 Sep. 2022
    This very fun one act would work incredibly well at a secondary school theatre competition. Communicating the experience of being new or just different in American public school through the special kind of lost one feels being unprepared for a rehearsal is both apt and perfect for HS theatre kids. The pacing and duality of the performances are right there in the lines and ready to do some heavy comic lifting for young performers. Not to mention how eminently produceable it is technically - it's all opportunity and zero obligation to cumbersome elements.