Recommended by Joe Swenson

  • Joe Swenson: The Rotary Phone

    My favorite ghost writer strikes again! This time Andrew Martineau has put together a mind bending play about a rotary phone found by the great grandchildren of their recently passed resident of the house. Andrew teases at a future that is laced in corporate sponsored pregnancies and naming rights while also taking us back in time to an era where you couldn’t screen calls. So much fun wrapped up in this 10 minutes Script! Well done!

    My favorite ghost writer strikes again! This time Andrew Martineau has put together a mind bending play about a rotary phone found by the great grandchildren of their recently passed resident of the house. Andrew teases at a future that is laced in corporate sponsored pregnancies and naming rights while also taking us back in time to an era where you couldn’t screen calls. So much fun wrapped up in this 10 minutes Script! Well done!

  • Joe Swenson: Squared (Ten Minute Play)

    Love this play. It pokes fun at the “foodies”, the elite, the awkwardness of a 2nd date, etc. Marcia has built 2 wonderfully complex characters while teasing the audience with the mystery of the restaurant. The server serves as a narrator and moderator of this date. It’s all brilliantly crafted and honestly, I’d probably try the food. Great work!

    Love this play. It pokes fun at the “foodies”, the elite, the awkwardness of a 2nd date, etc. Marcia has built 2 wonderfully complex characters while teasing the audience with the mystery of the restaurant. The server serves as a narrator and moderator of this date. It’s all brilliantly crafted and honestly, I’d probably try the food. Great work!

  • Joe Swenson: The Wrinkle Ranch (from the THE WRINKLE RANCH AND OTHER PLAYS ABOUT GROWING OLD collection)

    Hilarious, modern, well written piece of comedic brilliance. Cole’s use of Scrabble, UD, and a fireman are brilliant. It’s funny, charming, and a wonderful show. It will keep you guessing all the way through the end.

    Hilarious, modern, well written piece of comedic brilliance. Cole’s use of Scrabble, UD, and a fireman are brilliant. It’s funny, charming, and a wonderful show. It will keep you guessing all the way through the end.

  • Joe Swenson: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    Ahhhhhh… Brilliantly torturous writing by John Busser! The dialogue is fast-paced as we have a couple (barely) out on a date night (maybe). Busser transforms this distanced based questionable relationship into so much more. Laced with humor, wit, and escalation the playwright takes you on a wild ride that ends and then you have to get off the R word. Great show. Highly recommend.

    Ahhhhhh… Brilliantly torturous writing by John Busser! The dialogue is fast-paced as we have a couple (barely) out on a date night (maybe). Busser transforms this distanced based questionable relationship into so much more. Laced with humor, wit, and escalation the playwright takes you on a wild ride that ends and then you have to get off the R word. Great show. Highly recommend.

  • Joe Swenson: The Last Robot Standing (a monologue)

    I loved this sad little monologue and wished I had known Othello19 when it was a new robot. Without adding emotion to the monologue Lee R. Lawing relies on the reader/audience to supply the emotion. The isolation, end of purpose designed by Lawing is heart wrenching and you wish for a different ending. Veiled in this play is the overarching theme of global warming and Lawing never addressed it directly but instead provides stark reminders through the passage of time. Brilliant work!

    I loved this sad little monologue and wished I had known Othello19 when it was a new robot. Without adding emotion to the monologue Lee R. Lawing relies on the reader/audience to supply the emotion. The isolation, end of purpose designed by Lawing is heart wrenching and you wish for a different ending. Veiled in this play is the overarching theme of global warming and Lawing never addressed it directly but instead provides stark reminders through the passage of time. Brilliant work!

  • Joe Swenson: Cranberry

    George Sapio’s 2-hander has all the required elements of a great short play. Excellent characters in a unique situation. A series of escalations putting more at stake as the show gets deeper and deeper. Finally a strategically placed button just when you forgot the safe word. Excellent play. Highly recommend.

    George Sapio’s 2-hander has all the required elements of a great short play. Excellent characters in a unique situation. A series of escalations putting more at stake as the show gets deeper and deeper. Finally a strategically placed button just when you forgot the safe word. Excellent play. Highly recommend.

  • Joe Swenson: Lucid

    Incredible! The humanizing effort of abuse in any form is itself artfully purposeful. Dana Hall could’ve left the characters two dimensional and this story would have enough elements to impact. But Claire, Ima, and Mark are three dimensional, fully developed characters. Hall makes you root for each one and against each one uniquely as the story moves.

    Woven throughout this show is an incredible poem that speaks to the power potential of those who have been abused. It’s stunning and relevant. I root for Claire and Ima! I always wonder what happens to Mark. I want more! Brilliant!

    Incredible! The humanizing effort of abuse in any form is itself artfully purposeful. Dana Hall could’ve left the characters two dimensional and this story would have enough elements to impact. But Claire, Ima, and Mark are three dimensional, fully developed characters. Hall makes you root for each one and against each one uniquely as the story moves.

    Woven throughout this show is an incredible poem that speaks to the power potential of those who have been abused. It’s stunning and relevant. I root for Claire and Ima! I always wonder what happens to Mark. I want more! Brilliant!

  • Joe Swenson: Gun Safe

    Michael C. O’Day’s “Gun Safe” is a must read. Parent teacher conferences will never be the same. O’Day touches on so many different tensions throughout this show as he takes and manipulates our biases against us. O’Day also skillfully maneuvers through nerding out (Yellowstone super volcano, specific safe models) and machismo bravado as Father shows Teacher the workings of self-defense, gun safety, etc. Fantastic work Michael, highly recommend.

    Michael C. O’Day’s “Gun Safe” is a must read. Parent teacher conferences will never be the same. O’Day touches on so many different tensions throughout this show as he takes and manipulates our biases against us. O’Day also skillfully maneuvers through nerding out (Yellowstone super volcano, specific safe models) and machismo bravado as Father shows Teacher the workings of self-defense, gun safety, etc. Fantastic work Michael, highly recommend.

  • Joe Swenson: Vinnie Suitcases

    There’s an authenticity you strive for in a play. Authenticity in situations, authentically delivered characters, emotions, dialogue. George Sapio absolutely delivers based on the characters he built. There’s plenty of comedy, and in that humor you find reasons to root for these characters. The thing I kept coming back to throughout the reading of this play was how natural all of the dialogue felt despite the situations the characters were put in. Excellent work George!

    There’s an authenticity you strive for in a play. Authenticity in situations, authentically delivered characters, emotions, dialogue. George Sapio absolutely delivers based on the characters he built. There’s plenty of comedy, and in that humor you find reasons to root for these characters. The thing I kept coming back to throughout the reading of this play was how natural all of the dialogue felt despite the situations the characters were put in. Excellent work George!

  • Joe Swenson: Last Laugh

    A fantastic piece about two comedians. One on their way out, one still finding their way. Morey Norkin does such a wonderful job making Jackie and Jennifer three dimensional. In addition, Morey, puts so many tension driven situations into this often funny, often serious one act. Even the plays set-up blends these concepts. Fun read, would love to see live.

    A fantastic piece about two comedians. One on their way out, one still finding their way. Morey Norkin does such a wonderful job making Jackie and Jennifer three dimensional. In addition, Morey, puts so many tension driven situations into this often funny, often serious one act. Even the plays set-up blends these concepts. Fun read, would love to see live.