Recommended by Joe Swenson

  • Joe Swenson: Soft Rains

    Jacquie checks all of the boxes in this two-hander rife with suspense. Odd location (Funeral Parlor), unique character situation (strangers, apocalypse happening outside), tension (either could be infected by whatever it is). Jacquie leaves so much open to interpretation, but not the fear, and not the reality of Arlo and Zoe that builds tension as the show grows. Love this show! Highly recommend.

    Jacquie checks all of the boxes in this two-hander rife with suspense. Odd location (Funeral Parlor), unique character situation (strangers, apocalypse happening outside), tension (either could be infected by whatever it is). Jacquie leaves so much open to interpretation, but not the fear, and not the reality of Arlo and Zoe that builds tension as the show grows. Love this show! Highly recommend.

  • Joe Swenson: Don't Want Your Future to Melt

    This is such a great show and I can't wait to produce this as part of The Future Audio Fiction Podcast. Erin has built this simple world, where fear of the unknown and faith in a friend battle with each other until the end. It's an awesome show by an awesome writer. Highly recommend!

    This is such a great show and I can't wait to produce this as part of The Future Audio Fiction Podcast. Erin has built this simple world, where fear of the unknown and faith in a friend battle with each other until the end. It's an awesome show by an awesome writer. Highly recommend!

  • Joe Swenson: Silly Aliens, Superior Technologies are for Kids

    YES!!! Cole Dzubak has written a hilarious show about a "superior" intelligent alien culture that is debating about whether or not to set-up Earth on a better technological path or not. I think I'd be friends with Keith. Just saying. This show will have ooohing and awwwing at Cole's world build and then subsequent awe and indictment of Earth's capabilities, but then he does the best thing imaginable. Unleashes Keith. Highly recommend!

    YES!!! Cole Dzubak has written a hilarious show about a "superior" intelligent alien culture that is debating about whether or not to set-up Earth on a better technological path or not. I think I'd be friends with Keith. Just saying. This show will have ooohing and awwwing at Cole's world build and then subsequent awe and indictment of Earth's capabilities, but then he does the best thing imaginable. Unleashes Keith. Highly recommend!

  • Joe Swenson: Rotted

    Zombies! Who doesn't love Zombies. I love Zombies and this Zombedy (Zombie Comedy), Cole gives the Zombies some depth, makes them almost human(ish), and then does what everyone should do in a Zombie story. I'll let you read to find out. I definitely recommend this show and we are excited to produce it at BAE!

    Zombies! Who doesn't love Zombies. I love Zombies and this Zombedy (Zombie Comedy), Cole gives the Zombies some depth, makes them almost human(ish), and then does what everyone should do in a Zombie story. I'll let you read to find out. I definitely recommend this show and we are excited to produce it at BAE!

  • Joe Swenson: Luck of the Draw

    What a fantastic twisty script about a not-to-distant future that could be real life for many cultures on this planet right now in many ways. Brenton has done a bit of world building to show this as a future situation and it's horrifying, yet this fantastic playwright has handled the scenario with the finesse of an oil painter. Messy, yet hardened, beautiful story about thoughtfulness and possibly love. Possibly. This is a great show, highly recommend!

    What a fantastic twisty script about a not-to-distant future that could be real life for many cultures on this planet right now in many ways. Brenton has done a bit of world building to show this as a future situation and it's horrifying, yet this fantastic playwright has handled the scenario with the finesse of an oil painter. Messy, yet hardened, beautiful story about thoughtfulness and possibly love. Possibly. This is a great show, highly recommend!

  • Joe Swenson: reANIMA

    Aly Kantor is an amazing writer and I've enjoyed reading Aly's shows over and over again. reANIMA is incredible. There's so much drama and love and nuance in this short script that keeps you engaged. The complexity of the characters, the arc, and the tension gets you through the story without feeling like a story. You know it's a great show when you get to the end and you want to see what tomorrow for these characters will look like and the day after that. Amazing show.

    Aly Kantor is an amazing writer and I've enjoyed reading Aly's shows over and over again. reANIMA is incredible. There's so much drama and love and nuance in this short script that keeps you engaged. The complexity of the characters, the arc, and the tension gets you through the story without feeling like a story. You know it's a great show when you get to the end and you want to see what tomorrow for these characters will look like and the day after that. Amazing show.

  • Joe Swenson: TATIANA

    I really dive into the endings. Alan Kilpatrick doesn't let you down as he develops a wonderful character in Thicket. An actors dream. A wonderful android in Tatiana, a performers dream. Add in wonderful dialogue, loads of tension both from health and generational aspects, and you have a show that is fantastic and will have you thinking about it, long after you've finished. Highly recommend!

    I really dive into the endings. Alan Kilpatrick doesn't let you down as he develops a wonderful character in Thicket. An actors dream. A wonderful android in Tatiana, a performers dream. Add in wonderful dialogue, loads of tension both from health and generational aspects, and you have a show that is fantastic and will have you thinking about it, long after you've finished. Highly recommend!

  • Joe Swenson: Tiny Man on Ferry

    What a fun play. Samara Siskind has created a light-hearted mockumentary of sorts about getting the viral shot. She uses Becky as a way to create levity and potentially change the way Jim is. There's karma and charisma in this show. Selected for Good Vibes Summer on the premise that this show does have some massively good vibes and a great message in a world that is run by the 24/7 social media cycle. Great show, highly recommend.

    What a fun play. Samara Siskind has created a light-hearted mockumentary of sorts about getting the viral shot. She uses Becky as a way to create levity and potentially change the way Jim is. There's karma and charisma in this show. Selected for Good Vibes Summer on the premise that this show does have some massively good vibes and a great message in a world that is run by the 24/7 social media cycle. Great show, highly recommend.

  • What a fun play. Samara Siskind has created a light-hearted mockumentary of sorts about getting the viral shot. She uses Becky as a way to create levity and potentially change the way Jim is. There's karma and charisma in this show.

    Selected for Good Vibes Summer on the premise that this show does have some massively good vibes and a great message in a world that is run by the 24/7 social media cycle. Great show, highly recommend.

    What a fun play. Samara Siskind has created a light-hearted mockumentary of sorts about getting the viral shot. She uses Becky as a way to create levity and potentially change the way Jim is. There's karma and charisma in this show.

    Selected for Good Vibes Summer on the premise that this show does have some massively good vibes and a great message in a world that is run by the 24/7 social media cycle. Great show, highly recommend.

  • Joe Swenson: Worth a Try

    What a fun show with a fantastic arc to it all. I think the best part is the solution that Meredith comes up with out of love for her friend Jacob and a desire for him to find his happiness. This is a great show for the, "let's try this and hope for the best," crowd.

    We selected this show because our panel of experts from all over the world believed in the show and as executive producer, I believe in it as well. Awesome show Trent.

    What a fun show with a fantastic arc to it all. I think the best part is the solution that Meredith comes up with out of love for her friend Jacob and a desire for him to find his happiness. This is a great show for the, "let's try this and hope for the best," crowd.

    We selected this show because our panel of experts from all over the world believed in the show and as executive producer, I believe in it as well. Awesome show Trent.