Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: Give Up The Ghost

    An eerie, compelling, fast-paced ghost story wrapped around a history lesson. What the living characters experience in the cemetery is what Americans still face today… the haunting of the past that so many are unwilling to deal with. I truly hope this play will be presented to audiences that need to see it and learn from it. Good work, Andrew Martineau!

    An eerie, compelling, fast-paced ghost story wrapped around a history lesson. What the living characters experience in the cemetery is what Americans still face today… the haunting of the past that so many are unwilling to deal with. I truly hope this play will be presented to audiences that need to see it and learn from it. Good work, Andrew Martineau!

  • Morey Norkin: Tighten Your Borscht Belt

    Hilary Bluestein-Lyons has done an amazing job of recreating the atmosphere of the Borscht Belt circuit in the Catskills, a breeding ground for a generation of comics… male comics. Enter Hattie. Ambitious, talented, and determined to upset the status quo. Along for the ride are her kvetching mother, her husband/manager who feels he must prove his manhood outside of the marriage, and a loyal friend who is a victim of other 1950s unpleasantness. Witty, well-paced, with strong characters and great stand-up material! I wish I had read this before I attempted some of my own work!

    Hilary Bluestein-Lyons has done an amazing job of recreating the atmosphere of the Borscht Belt circuit in the Catskills, a breeding ground for a generation of comics… male comics. Enter Hattie. Ambitious, talented, and determined to upset the status quo. Along for the ride are her kvetching mother, her husband/manager who feels he must prove his manhood outside of the marriage, and a loyal friend who is a victim of other 1950s unpleasantness. Witty, well-paced, with strong characters and great stand-up material! I wish I had read this before I attempted some of my own work!

  • Morey Norkin: Generations

    Stable, healthy relationships come about through listening and supporting rather than bending others to our will. Rachel Feeny-Williams has crafted an endearing story where the two central characters bridge a wide generation gap and provide each other with what they so desperately need: to be heard. If you haven’t read this play yet, please do. I would love to see this play performed.

    Stable, healthy relationships come about through listening and supporting rather than bending others to our will. Rachel Feeny-Williams has crafted an endearing story where the two central characters bridge a wide generation gap and provide each other with what they so desperately need: to be heard. If you haven’t read this play yet, please do. I would love to see this play performed.

  • Morey Norkin: Stop Laughing Without Me

    Maybe the funniest, and certainly the most unexpected line I’ve read in some time! Took me in hook, line, and sinker. That would be the ending of Philip Middleton Williams’ insightful short play. Leading up to this, is a look at what I believe most (all?) playwrights worry about when they hand their work over for production: do they get it? Of course, in Claude’s case, a little self-awareness would have been helpful. I’m going to find myself bursting into laughter whenever that line pops into my head!

    Maybe the funniest, and certainly the most unexpected line I’ve read in some time! Took me in hook, line, and sinker. That would be the ending of Philip Middleton Williams’ insightful short play. Leading up to this, is a look at what I believe most (all?) playwrights worry about when they hand their work over for production: do they get it? Of course, in Claude’s case, a little self-awareness would have been helpful. I’m going to find myself bursting into laughter whenever that line pops into my head!

  • Morey Norkin: Come in for Coffee?

    Outrageously funny! Like Benny Hill meets Barista! Not only did I learn a lot about coffee, but I picked up some interesting slang. I’m really enjoying Christopher Plumridge’s sense of humor and I look forward to reading more.

    Outrageously funny! Like Benny Hill meets Barista! Not only did I learn a lot about coffee, but I picked up some interesting slang. I’m really enjoying Christopher Plumridge’s sense of humor and I look forward to reading more.

  • Morey Norkin: Stephanie. From the Posters.

    A very natural conversation between two dads with very different approaches to parenting. And as we learn the reason for Paul’s overprotectiveness, like Mike, we are drawn in and want to be able to say something to make things better. Quite an emotional impact.

    A very natural conversation between two dads with very different approaches to parenting. And as we learn the reason for Paul’s overprotectiveness, like Mike, we are drawn in and want to be able to say something to make things better. Quite an emotional impact.

  • Morey Norkin: Inside Man

    Family dysfunction, victimhood vs. accountability. These are the themes coursing through Randy Hunt’s well-paced drama. The action leads to a climax that packs quite a punch. I highly recommend it!

    Family dysfunction, victimhood vs. accountability. These are the themes coursing through Randy Hunt’s well-paced drama. The action leads to a climax that packs quite a punch. I highly recommend it!

  • Morey Norkin: Robbie Rosenberg's Bar Mitzvah Dinner

    What’s left of my hair is still standing on end! Hilarious and shockingly fun! I’m so glad my bar-mitzvah party was at home.

    What’s left of my hair is still standing on end! Hilarious and shockingly fun! I’m so glad my bar-mitzvah party was at home.

  • Morey Norkin: Silent Vows

    With Christopher Plumridge’s skillful writing, silence is golden. This charming work is sure to be the talk of any short play festival! And I mean that in only the most positive sense!

    With Christopher Plumridge’s skillful writing, silence is golden. This charming work is sure to be the talk of any short play festival! And I mean that in only the most positive sense!

  • Morey Norkin: Are you ready to order?

    A simple misunderstanding leads to an extraordinary revelation in this compelling monologue. Jacobs captures the character’s struggle to not be defined by her illness. And she lets the audience collectively exhale with the clever ending.

    A simple misunderstanding leads to an extraordinary revelation in this compelling monologue. Jacobs captures the character’s struggle to not be defined by her illness. And she lets the audience collectively exhale with the clever ending.