Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: The Monster

    Fast and funny, THE MONSTER reveals the power of… logic. A brilliant sendup of just about any horror movie you’ve ever seen. Don’t wait for Halloween. Stage this one now!

    Fast and funny, THE MONSTER reveals the power of… logic. A brilliant sendup of just about any horror movie you’ve ever seen. Don’t wait for Halloween. Stage this one now!

  • Morey Norkin: Six Men Dressed Like Joseph Stalin

    Preparing for a role when your life depends on it. Dianne Nora combines history, satire, and some great acting tips, and the result is this brilliant, witty, and poignant play. Just an amazing theatrical work. A captivating read, a tour de force for two actors, and undoubtedly a spellbinding experience for an audience. I can’t recommend this enough!

    Preparing for a role when your life depends on it. Dianne Nora combines history, satire, and some great acting tips, and the result is this brilliant, witty, and poignant play. Just an amazing theatrical work. A captivating read, a tour de force for two actors, and undoubtedly a spellbinding experience for an audience. I can’t recommend this enough!

  • Morey Norkin: No More Tea?

    Brian goes full Karen in this hysterical tearoom comedy. This likely isn’t the first time Derek has had to suffer through Brian’s badgering of waitstaff. And poor Lilly! If tipping is practiced in the UK, she deserves a huge one! Rachel Feeny-Williams really knows how to get the most out of a few fun-filled pages. This one is just my cup of tea!

    Brian goes full Karen in this hysterical tearoom comedy. This likely isn’t the first time Derek has had to suffer through Brian’s badgering of waitstaff. And poor Lilly! If tipping is practiced in the UK, she deserves a huge one! Rachel Feeny-Williams really knows how to get the most out of a few fun-filled pages. This one is just my cup of tea!

  • Morey Norkin: What Baggage

    Two seniors hit it off physically, but is that enough to start planning cohabitation? Kim Ruyle’s delightful dialogue examines the challenges posed by different interests, established lifestyles, and pets. No reason not to keep having fun while they try to figure it out. Two great roles for senior actors and great addition to any festival.

    Two seniors hit it off physically, but is that enough to start planning cohabitation? Kim Ruyle’s delightful dialogue examines the challenges posed by different interests, established lifestyles, and pets. No reason not to keep having fun while they try to figure it out. Two great roles for senior actors and great addition to any festival.

  • Morey Norkin: Impossible Theories Of Us

    Stunning. As brilliant as the light display that envelops the entire piece. John Mabey gives us two characters who instantly charm us and takes us on a journey through their life together and beyond. Whether through science or a miracle, or the miracle of science, the prospect of immortality raises fascinating questions about AI, humanity, memories, and more. There’s a reason this play is gaining so much recognition. Read it and you’ll understand.

    Stunning. As brilliant as the light display that envelops the entire piece. John Mabey gives us two characters who instantly charm us and takes us on a journey through their life together and beyond. Whether through science or a miracle, or the miracle of science, the prospect of immortality raises fascinating questions about AI, humanity, memories, and more. There’s a reason this play is gaining so much recognition. Read it and you’ll understand.

  • Morey Norkin: Don't Touch The Carrot Cake

    Rules are rules. And audiences are in for a ton of laughs as three baking contestants try to follow the rules and create the best carrot cake. Zany, original, and with an ending just begging for a creative team to figure out how to pull it off. Emily McClain takes the cake with this one!

    Rules are rules. And audiences are in for a ton of laughs as three baking contestants try to follow the rules and create the best carrot cake. Zany, original, and with an ending just begging for a creative team to figure out how to pull it off. Emily McClain takes the cake with this one!

  • Morey Norkin: Professor Princess

    What would “Professor Princess” do? That’s the question at the heart of this smart and funny piece as three actors, each a very distinct character, vie for the title role based on a popular book series. The titles of the books are so clever, and the dynamics between characters as they size up each other and put on their best Professor Princess persona is priceless. Add the inspired conclusion, and you have another Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn must read/must see.

    What would “Professor Princess” do? That’s the question at the heart of this smart and funny piece as three actors, each a very distinct character, vie for the title role based on a popular book series. The titles of the books are so clever, and the dynamics between characters as they size up each other and put on their best Professor Princess persona is priceless. Add the inspired conclusion, and you have another Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn must read/must see.

  • Morey Norkin: Chekhov's Gun

    James Perry has combined a drawing room comedy, a mystery, and a family drama to great effect. And strangely, the inclusion of a clown, a live lamb, and the offstage presence of a hellacious toddler all seem to make perfect sense in this expertly written, thoroughly entertaining work. There are many memorable moments and lines, my favorite being the simple retort, “Irony.” Audiences will laugh and have their suspicions raised, and likely give one big sigh of relief at the heartwarming conclusion.

    James Perry has combined a drawing room comedy, a mystery, and a family drama to great effect. And strangely, the inclusion of a clown, a live lamb, and the offstage presence of a hellacious toddler all seem to make perfect sense in this expertly written, thoroughly entertaining work. There are many memorable moments and lines, my favorite being the simple retort, “Irony.” Audiences will laugh and have their suspicions raised, and likely give one big sigh of relief at the heartwarming conclusion.

  • Morey Norkin: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    Earth to Him! That’s what I want to shout through my laughter as Her tries to close the casual gap between them. As Her almost literally has to spell out her desires, Him seems to be in need of remedial signal reading. Clever. Funny. Perfect.

    Earth to Him! That’s what I want to shout through my laughter as Her tries to close the casual gap between them. As Her almost literally has to spell out her desires, Him seems to be in need of remedial signal reading. Clever. Funny. Perfect.

  • Morey Norkin: CATS and Commonalities

    I suppose if James Carville and Mary Matalin can be together for 30 years, Billy and Susan can at least make it to a second date. Their compatibility is certainly questionable, and part of the fun of this piece is at first taking sides (and even switching sides) and gradually (maybe grudgingly) acknowledging there may be something there. One thing for sure, there is plenty there with Darrin Friedman’s script. I can see this play sparking some interesting conversations. Well done!

    I suppose if James Carville and Mary Matalin can be together for 30 years, Billy and Susan can at least make it to a second date. Their compatibility is certainly questionable, and part of the fun of this piece is at first taking sides (and even switching sides) and gradually (maybe grudgingly) acknowledging there may be something there. One thing for sure, there is plenty there with Darrin Friedman’s script. I can see this play sparking some interesting conversations. Well done!