Recommended by Morey Norkin


    Clearly, the Ghost of Christmas Past left out some important information. Scrooge and Marley had a history together, and Adam Richter, as if channeling the voice of Charles Dickens, explores that history with great care. We see Scrooge well along the path to the character we know so well, but still with a touch of humanity. Another loss would erase that. Beautifully imagined and written!

    Clearly, the Ghost of Christmas Past left out some important information. Scrooge and Marley had a history together, and Adam Richter, as if channeling the voice of Charles Dickens, explores that history with great care. We see Scrooge well along the path to the character we know so well, but still with a touch of humanity. Another loss would erase that. Beautifully imagined and written!

  • Morey Norkin: Elves on Strike

    This seems to be the year of the strike, so why not elves? A very clever and funny concept. I would love to see this at a festival just to see how long it takes for the audience to realize what’s going on.

    This seems to be the year of the strike, so why not elves? A very clever and funny concept. I would love to see this at a festival just to see how long it takes for the audience to realize what’s going on.


    How delightful! I feel like I’ve just taken a wonderful trip to France! Nora Louise Syran beautifully delivers picture postcard scenes from Paris and the countryside all tied together by the well known carol. The scenes offer a mixture of humor, wistfulness, and warmth. Plus some outstanding monologues for anyone looking for audition material. What more could you ask for?

    How delightful! I feel like I’ve just taken a wonderful trip to France! Nora Louise Syran beautifully delivers picture postcard scenes from Paris and the countryside all tied together by the well known carol. The scenes offer a mixture of humor, wistfulness, and warmth. Plus some outstanding monologues for anyone looking for audition material. What more could you ask for?

  • Morey Norkin: I Think We're Lost

    Peter Pan has captured the public’s imagination for generations. Children are drawn to the fantasy world, and adults are captivated by the thought of returning to their childhood. Peter Fenton’s marvelous new take on the familiar story focuses squarely on what it truly means to grow up. With new, engaging characters, and a fresh look at the ones we grew up with, I THINK WE’RE LOST has plenty of adventure and plenty of depth. Now it just needs to be brought to life on stage.

    Peter Pan has captured the public’s imagination for generations. Children are drawn to the fantasy world, and adults are captivated by the thought of returning to their childhood. Peter Fenton’s marvelous new take on the familiar story focuses squarely on what it truly means to grow up. With new, engaging characters, and a fresh look at the ones we grew up with, I THINK WE’RE LOST has plenty of adventure and plenty of depth. Now it just needs to be brought to life on stage.

  • Morey Norkin: Slapjack Saturday

    A support raccoon may be just what Darlene needs to cope with her grief. Humans have a tendency to tiptoe around the issue, never quite sure what to say or not say, how much space to give. Such is the case with Cletus, a long-time friend who shares her grief. Brenton Kniess does a terrific job of combining animal antics and the familiar, comforting routine of the two humans. Hopefully this will be onstage sometime soon.

    A support raccoon may be just what Darlene needs to cope with her grief. Humans have a tendency to tiptoe around the issue, never quite sure what to say or not say, how much space to give. Such is the case with Cletus, a long-time friend who shares her grief. Brenton Kniess does a terrific job of combining animal antics and the familiar, comforting routine of the two humans. Hopefully this will be onstage sometime soon.

  • Morey Norkin: My Kind Of Christmas

    This is certainly MY KIND OF CHRISTMAS play! Or any holiday. The warmth that emanates from the script is enough to melt the heart of even the most hardened Grinch. Dana Hall even manages to give a nod to that classic tale along with that other one with ghostly encounters. But it’s the relationships of the Smith family and the lessons they impart that are the core of this story. Learn from the past, live in the present with hope for the future. Beautifully done.

    This is certainly MY KIND OF CHRISTMAS play! Or any holiday. The warmth that emanates from the script is enough to melt the heart of even the most hardened Grinch. Dana Hall even manages to give a nod to that classic tale along with that other one with ghostly encounters. But it’s the relationships of the Smith family and the lessons they impart that are the core of this story. Learn from the past, live in the present with hope for the future. Beautifully done.

  • Morey Norkin: The Melatonin Miners

    I don’t know how anyone can come up with the idea of bringing together Beethoven, Carl Reiner, and W.C. Fields in the same play. But I guess melatonin is the stuff that dreams are made of. And this short piece is a most welcome dream to kick off the holiday season.

    I don’t know how anyone can come up with the idea of bringing together Beethoven, Carl Reiner, and W.C. Fields in the same play. But I guess melatonin is the stuff that dreams are made of. And this short piece is a most welcome dream to kick off the holiday season.

  • Morey Norkin: Live, Laugh, Lobotomize

    Today I’m thankful for this funny, thoughtful play from Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn. Jacquie is skilled at combining outrageous humor with deep empathy for the troubles that afflict mere mortals, taking readers and audiences on a journey of laughter and discovery. I was pleased to learn there really is a Bucksnort, Tennessee. And Ramiform is easily my favorite wood troll!

    Today I’m thankful for this funny, thoughtful play from Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn. Jacquie is skilled at combining outrageous humor with deep empathy for the troubles that afflict mere mortals, taking readers and audiences on a journey of laughter and discovery. I was pleased to learn there really is a Bucksnort, Tennessee. And Ramiform is easily my favorite wood troll!

  • Morey Norkin: Unknown Number

    Whoa! You may want to read this one with the lights on, it’s that scary! A woman alone. A raging winter storm outside. Familiar yet unwelcome voices. What’s happening?! What’s real?! You’ll have plenty of time to discuss after you catch your breath!

    Whoa! You may want to read this one with the lights on, it’s that scary! A woman alone. A raging winter storm outside. Familiar yet unwelcome voices. What’s happening?! What’s real?! You’ll have plenty of time to discuss after you catch your breath!


    Thank you Nora Louise Syran for opening my eyes to the world of the Impressionists, 19th century Paris, and the life of Suzanne Valadon. Wonderful storytelling, beautiful music, and vibrant imagery all come together in a completely engaging theatrical experience. I would absolutely love to see this on stage!

    Thank you Nora Louise Syran for opening my eyes to the world of the Impressionists, 19th century Paris, and the life of Suzanne Valadon. Wonderful storytelling, beautiful music, and vibrant imagery all come together in a completely engaging theatrical experience. I would absolutely love to see this on stage!