Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: Save Some Room

    A blind date from Hell that takes a turn I could never have imagined. Fortunately, Evan Baughfman could imagine it. Hysterically brilliant!

    A blind date from Hell that takes a turn I could never have imagined. Fortunately, Evan Baughfman could imagine it. Hysterically brilliant!

  • Morey Norkin: Closing Doors

    Because it is so well-written, so believable, and so timely, CLOSING DOORS Is absolutely maddening, which I believe is John Minagan’s intention. That elementary schools need active shooter drills is maddening. That the protocols are so rigid that traumatizing a student is an acceptable outcome is maddening. Like zero tolerance policies that are actually zero compassion. Ok, I need to settle down after reading this. It’s brilliant. I hope it gets even more people worked up.

    Because it is so well-written, so believable, and so timely, CLOSING DOORS Is absolutely maddening, which I believe is John Minagan’s intention. That elementary schools need active shooter drills is maddening. That the protocols are so rigid that traumatizing a student is an acceptable outcome is maddening. Like zero tolerance policies that are actually zero compassion. Ok, I need to settle down after reading this. It’s brilliant. I hope it gets even more people worked up.

  • Morey Norkin: Winner of Seven Gold Medals

    A certain poster sparks memories as a mother and her adult son rummage through the attic. Their bond is clearly one filled with warmth and humor. A completely engaging 10 minutes. Hoping to catch the PlayZoomers presentation later this month.

    A certain poster sparks memories as a mother and her adult son rummage through the attic. Their bond is clearly one filled with warmth and humor. A completely engaging 10 minutes. Hoping to catch the PlayZoomers presentation later this month.

  • Morey Norkin: My Piano Doesn't Like Me

    Be good to your piano and it will be good to you. And that may be true of any instrument employed by artists of all stripes. Larry Rinkel makes this point in amusing fashion as an obstinate piano and the legendary Vladimir Horowitz provide a quick but important lesson to an amateur player. How maestro Horowitz came on the scene is possibly the funniest bit in this short piece filled with laughs. Great fun no matter your musical ability.

    Be good to your piano and it will be good to you. And that may be true of any instrument employed by artists of all stripes. Larry Rinkel makes this point in amusing fashion as an obstinate piano and the legendary Vladimir Horowitz provide a quick but important lesson to an amateur player. How maestro Horowitz came on the scene is possibly the funniest bit in this short piece filled with laughs. Great fun no matter your musical ability.

  • Morey Norkin: The Demon Lady

    Novice campers stumble upon a cabin in the woods. Creepiness ensues, but that creepiness comes from an unexpected source. Scary good fun for audiences, great characters for actors, and a real challenge for scenic designers. This will easily be the hit of any horror themed festival!

    Novice campers stumble upon a cabin in the woods. Creepiness ensues, but that creepiness comes from an unexpected source. Scary good fun for audiences, great characters for actors, and a real challenge for scenic designers. This will easily be the hit of any horror themed festival!

  • Morey Norkin: Shakes Spear

    Who am I to judge the writing of Joe Swenson? That’s really the question at the heart of this clever comedy. Will shares his new play with a reading group and discovers how opinions can change in an instant. Whether this was written in a day or over a period of months, the result is a comic delight.

    Who am I to judge the writing of Joe Swenson? That’s really the question at the heart of this clever comedy. Will shares his new play with a reading group and discovers how opinions can change in an instant. Whether this was written in a day or over a period of months, the result is a comic delight.

  • Morey Norkin: I'm Not Dead Yet

    So funny and so true. If you’ve not yet reached 50, just wait. AARP solicitations, assisted living promos, etc. Nora Louise Syran gets right to the point and delivers the perfect punchline. Only a minute, but what fun!

    So funny and so true. If you’ve not yet reached 50, just wait. AARP solicitations, assisted living promos, etc. Nora Louise Syran gets right to the point and delivers the perfect punchline. Only a minute, but what fun!

  • Morey Norkin: WO[MAN]

    Satire at its best! This smart one-act from Alyssa Haddad-Chin will have you laughing and shaking your head simultaneously. The complete lack of irony on the part of the males in this piece shows that when it comes to motherhood in America, father (and the US government) knows best. Brilliant!

    Satire at its best! This smart one-act from Alyssa Haddad-Chin will have you laughing and shaking your head simultaneously. The complete lack of irony on the part of the males in this piece shows that when it comes to motherhood in America, father (and the US government) knows best. Brilliant!

  • Morey Norkin: Sleeping with Cicadas: A Fantasia on Bigfoot

    This laugh fest from Melissa Milich is like a cross between Deliverance and The Beverly Hillbillies! Hilarious dialogue and visuals make this short piece irresistible. Great roles for character actors and possibly one very tall performer. If you’re lucky, there will be a sighting near you!

    This laugh fest from Melissa Milich is like a cross between Deliverance and The Beverly Hillbillies! Hilarious dialogue and visuals make this short piece irresistible. Great roles for character actors and possibly one very tall performer. If you’re lucky, there will be a sighting near you!

  • Morey Norkin: The Temptation of Adam

    A love story that wouldn’t occur except for the unique circumstances in which the characters find themselves. Samantha Cocco does a terrific job of slowly building the relationship between Adam and Marie, making us care about them and wanting to see them together. But things take a turn and Adam is faced with revealing the truth, and possibly losing Marie, or doing the unthinkable. This is one heck of a thriller with everything at stake. I would love to see this staged!

    A love story that wouldn’t occur except for the unique circumstances in which the characters find themselves. Samantha Cocco does a terrific job of slowly building the relationship between Adam and Marie, making us care about them and wanting to see them together. But things take a turn and Adam is faced with revealing the truth, and possibly losing Marie, or doing the unthinkable. This is one heck of a thriller with everything at stake. I would love to see this staged!