Sam Heyman has crafted a deeply moving tale of friendship between two young men who must face certain truths about their feelings during a period of separation after high school graduation. While Lee goes off to college and Shawn joins the army, both meet someone they can confide in who helps them examine their relationship. Heyman presents richly drawn characters that we can’t help but root for, even knowing there are limits to what their friendship can become. There are certainly no limits to what this play can become. Perhaps a main stage production?
Sam Heyman has crafted a deeply moving tale of friendship between two young men who must face certain truths about their feelings during a period of separation after high school graduation. While Lee goes off to college and Shawn joins the army, both meet someone they can confide in who helps them examine their relationship. Heyman presents richly drawn characters that we can’t help but root for, even knowing there are limits to what their friendship can become. There are certainly no limits to what this play can become. Perhaps a main stage production?