Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: Mother

    Maybe the funniest job interview ever! Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn packs a lot of laughs into two minutes and saves perhaps the best for last! And if you’d like to see just how funny this can be in performance, check out Jacquie’s star turn in this video:

    Maybe the funniest job interview ever! Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn packs a lot of laughs into two minutes and saves perhaps the best for last! And if you’d like to see just how funny this can be in performance, check out Jacquie’s star turn in this video:

  • Morey Norkin: Camel Girl

    Circus sideshows, or “freak” shows are, hopefully, a thing of the past. Deb Cole takes the story of a real 19th century performer and offers us a character with confidence and strength despite her severe deformities. Perhaps the lesson we can take from this is not to judge others until we have traveled 25 miles in their shoes carrying a 900 pound load. Well done!

    Circus sideshows, or “freak” shows are, hopefully, a thing of the past. Deb Cole takes the story of a real 19th century performer and offers us a character with confidence and strength despite her severe deformities. Perhaps the lesson we can take from this is not to judge others until we have traveled 25 miles in their shoes carrying a 900 pound load. Well done!

  • Morey Norkin: Father of the Dead

    Good to see the American spirit never dies, even when it takes the form of a zombie! And in this clever one-minute monologue, an all-American dad, gun in hand, proclaims himself protector from the apocalypse. A familiar face in the crowd, maybe with bits falling off, brings about a moment of reflection. A brilliant audition piece or a perfect fit for any short play festival.

    Good to see the American spirit never dies, even when it takes the form of a zombie! And in this clever one-minute monologue, an all-American dad, gun in hand, proclaims himself protector from the apocalypse. A familiar face in the crowd, maybe with bits falling off, brings about a moment of reflection. A brilliant audition piece or a perfect fit for any short play festival.

  • Morey Norkin: The Ghost Tour

    Such creepy good fun! A group of friends take an amusement park ghost tour that turns out to be kind of a dud… until it isn’t! Lou Jones lets the suspense build nicely. Throw in some special effects to highlight the final image and there will be more than a few shrieks from the audience! Halloween can’t come soon enough!

    Such creepy good fun! A group of friends take an amusement park ghost tour that turns out to be kind of a dud… until it isn’t! Lou Jones lets the suspense build nicely. Throw in some special effects to highlight the final image and there will be more than a few shrieks from the audience! Halloween can’t come soon enough!


    Vivian Lermond has the hard boiled detective lingo down to a T. And as the dialogue crackles, you can just imagine this play being broadcast on an old time radio show. The clues are plentiful in this well-paced mystery, but you’ll be hard pressed to beat detectives Tully and Monroe to the punch. Great fun!

    Vivian Lermond has the hard boiled detective lingo down to a T. And as the dialogue crackles, you can just imagine this play being broadcast on an old time radio show. The clues are plentiful in this well-paced mystery, but you’ll be hard pressed to beat detectives Tully and Monroe to the punch. Great fun!

  • Morey Norkin: An Authentic Rembrandt

    D. Lee Miller breathes life into the ghost of Rembrandt who is conjured by an art historian to help authenticate a portrait. Both artist and historian are familiar with career struggles. Sometimes you just have to trust your instincts and… breathe. Beautifully done!

    D. Lee Miller breathes life into the ghost of Rembrandt who is conjured by an art historian to help authenticate a portrait. Both artist and historian are familiar with career struggles. Sometimes you just have to trust your instincts and… breathe. Beautifully done!

  • Morey Norkin: Assisted Living

    Elder care is no picnic. And when the senior in question is as strong-willed as Rose Fowler, the challenge is magnified. Rich Rubin provides a realistic portrayal of the frustrations that families face, but he manages to infuse the proceedings with a great deal of humor that arises naturally from the characters, particularly Rose. Great roles that span three generations. But make no mistake, this is Rose’s turn. More productions and awards should be forthcoming!

    Elder care is no picnic. And when the senior in question is as strong-willed as Rose Fowler, the challenge is magnified. Rich Rubin provides a realistic portrayal of the frustrations that families face, but he manages to infuse the proceedings with a great deal of humor that arises naturally from the characters, particularly Rose. Great roles that span three generations. But make no mistake, this is Rose’s turn. More productions and awards should be forthcoming!

  • Morey Norkin: Melt

    There’s plenty of good humor to be found in this story of the ice cream truck business. The central question is, will Stacey give up the family ice cream truck to marry David? The answer will surprise you! And you might think twice before you buy that next pint of Ben and Jerry’s!

    There’s plenty of good humor to be found in this story of the ice cream truck business. The central question is, will Stacey give up the family ice cream truck to marry David? The answer will surprise you! And you might think twice before you buy that next pint of Ben and Jerry’s!

  • Morey Norkin: Bulletproof Love

    What a joy! At first, the juxtaposition of the physical presence and the unrefined verbal expression with the lyrical inner thoughts of these two characters is humorous. But the more they share, the more we understand the depth of their love. This play will just melt your heart.

    What a joy! At first, the juxtaposition of the physical presence and the unrefined verbal expression with the lyrical inner thoughts of these two characters is humorous. But the more they share, the more we understand the depth of their love. This play will just melt your heart.

  • Morey Norkin: A Primitive Species

    From lights up it is immediately clear that Mark is an a**hole, and we wonder how poor Sarah can put up with him. At this retreat/job interview, life seems to be one big continuous experiment. There is intrigue, surprises, and a satisfying payback. The drama combined with the questions raised about genetic engineering will have audiences buzzing.

    From lights up it is immediately clear that Mark is an a**hole, and we wonder how poor Sarah can put up with him. At this retreat/job interview, life seems to be one big continuous experiment. There is intrigue, surprises, and a satisfying payback. The drama combined with the questions raised about genetic engineering will have audiences buzzing.