Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: The Honest Interview

    Sometimes the less said in a job interview, the better. That’s not the case in Rachel Feeny-Williams’ clever satire, in which she skewers high-tech corporate culture, particularly the “boys club” aspect. As an interviewer under the influence of a truth drug holds nothing back, audiences will laugh and cringe at each revelation. A great two-hander for female actors.

    Sometimes the less said in a job interview, the better. That’s not the case in Rachel Feeny-Williams’ clever satire, in which she skewers high-tech corporate culture, particularly the “boys club” aspect. As an interviewer under the influence of a truth drug holds nothing back, audiences will laugh and cringe at each revelation. A great two-hander for female actors.

  • Morey Norkin: Sunbrella (from the THE WRINKLE RANCH AND OTHER PLAYS ABOUT GROWING OLD collection)

    What a delight! Great to see this young, self-absorbed influencer get schooled! Coincidentally (or not), the name of the SUNBRELLA brand, Orokamono, means “fool” in Japanese. And as we see in this brilliant short, a fool and her money are soon parted. Two great roles for females of very different ages. Would love to see this staged!

    What a delight! Great to see this young, self-absorbed influencer get schooled! Coincidentally (or not), the name of the SUNBRELLA brand, Orokamono, means “fool” in Japanese. And as we see in this brilliant short, a fool and her money are soon parted. Two great roles for females of very different ages. Would love to see this staged!

  • Morey Norkin: The Most Precious Thing

    Funny, tense, thoughtful, all in 10 minutes. Expertly crafted, with an ending that will leave audiences talking. No wonder it has received so many productions. Highly recommended!

    Funny, tense, thoughtful, all in 10 minutes. Expertly crafted, with an ending that will leave audiences talking. No wonder it has received so many productions. Highly recommended!

  • Morey Norkin: Isobel

    Reminiscent of Lenny from Of Mice and Men, Olly, in this monologue from Christopher Plumridge, is a giant of a young man who doesn’t know his own strength or possess the intellect to understand his actions. There is a sweetness and innocence to the character but this story is at heart a tragedy, and a beautifully written one at that.

    Reminiscent of Lenny from Of Mice and Men, Olly, in this monologue from Christopher Plumridge, is a giant of a young man who doesn’t know his own strength or possess the intellect to understand his actions. There is a sweetness and innocence to the character but this story is at heart a tragedy, and a beautifully written one at that.

  • Morey Norkin: Whatcha Doin? *A Zoom Play*

    A somewhat nervous film student has the opportunity to interview her childhood idol in a Zoom chat. Turns out they both have faced self-esteem issues from being considered “less beautiful.” For Marnie, the former child star and horror queen, the pandemic provided the perfect escape, voiceover work from a home studio. Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn, via film student Raven, imparts a valuable lesson in self acceptance, and both characters get more out of the interview than they could ever have imagined. Zoom theater is still going on. This play deserves more exposure!

    A somewhat nervous film student has the opportunity to interview her childhood idol in a Zoom chat. Turns out they both have faced self-esteem issues from being considered “less beautiful.” For Marnie, the former child star and horror queen, the pandemic provided the perfect escape, voiceover work from a home studio. Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn, via film student Raven, imparts a valuable lesson in self acceptance, and both characters get more out of the interview than they could ever have imagined. Zoom theater is still going on. This play deserves more exposure!

  • Morey Norkin: The Pity Mourner (Ten Minute)

    A sweet two-hander in which an unusual act of kindness toward a reluctant recipient may bring about great change. Paul Donnelly’s writing, as always, is economical and exquisite. A situation and characters that draw you in instantly and make you care deeply. Highly recommended!

    A sweet two-hander in which an unusual act of kindness toward a reluctant recipient may bring about great change. Paul Donnelly’s writing, as always, is economical and exquisite. A situation and characters that draw you in instantly and make you care deeply. Highly recommended!

  • Morey Norkin: A Fragile Mind - Uprising Begins

    Installment #12, the finale. Or is it?! As the title suggests, the uprising against the Rejuvenation Center is just beginning, and we’re getting a clearer picture of who can be trusted. Joe Swenson has created quite a serial thriller! This series should probably be presented as it’s own festival! It also screams to be made into a blockbuster cinematic franchise! If you like sci-fi thrillers, run, don’t walk, to installment #1 and get ready for the ride!

    Installment #12, the finale. Or is it?! As the title suggests, the uprising against the Rejuvenation Center is just beginning, and we’re getting a clearer picture of who can be trusted. Joe Swenson has created quite a serial thriller! This series should probably be presented as it’s own festival! It also screams to be made into a blockbuster cinematic franchise! If you like sci-fi thrillers, run, don’t walk, to installment #1 and get ready for the ride!

  • Morey Norkin: A Fragile Mind - Reunion

    Installment #11, the penultimate episode (so far). Major characters are reunited at the safe house. But how safe is it when various characters can’t trust each other or even their own memories? And with forces from the Rejuvenation Center converging! Will Jenny’s powers make a difference? I can hardly wait to find out!

    Installment #11, the penultimate episode (so far). Major characters are reunited at the safe house. But how safe is it when various characters can’t trust each other or even their own memories? And with forces from the Rejuvenation Center converging! Will Jenny’s powers make a difference? I can hardly wait to find out!

  • Morey Norkin: A Fragile Mind - Safe House

    Installment 9 of this thrilling series! All memory of Tammy is gone, and it looks like Jenny is ready to be large and in charge! Can the small band of resistance fighters bring down the Rejuvenation Center?! We’re getting closer to an answer!

    Installment 9 of this thrilling series! All memory of Tammy is gone, and it looks like Jenny is ready to be large and in charge! Can the small band of resistance fighters bring down the Rejuvenation Center?! We’re getting closer to an answer!

  • Morey Norkin: A Fragile Mind - Acceleration

    Episode 3.5 of this thriller! I previously read through episode 9, but I saw Joe Swenson snuck this one in. Just like Tammy, this was a good way to get my bearings before proceeding with the latest episodes. Lots of fast-paced action. You’ll be rooting for Tammy/Jenny as she tries to regain her memory and figure out who she can trust. If you’re not familiar with this series, start at the beginning and you’ll be hooked! So glad there are new installments available!

    Episode 3.5 of this thriller! I previously read through episode 9, but I saw Joe Swenson snuck this one in. Just like Tammy, this was a good way to get my bearings before proceeding with the latest episodes. Lots of fast-paced action. You’ll be rooting for Tammy/Jenny as she tries to regain her memory and figure out who she can trust. If you’re not familiar with this series, start at the beginning and you’ll be hooked! So glad there are new installments available!