Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: Cleo's Clients

    Christopher Plumridge has offered up a play guaranteed to spice up any theater event! In this funny yet touching (in more ways than one) story, Cleo’s Clients provide a prostitute-cum-relationship counselor with one crazy night on the job. Great characters, a wonderful twist, and loads of opportunities for physical comedy. Someone please stage it!

    Christopher Plumridge has offered up a play guaranteed to spice up any theater event! In this funny yet touching (in more ways than one) story, Cleo’s Clients provide a prostitute-cum-relationship counselor with one crazy night on the job. Great characters, a wonderful twist, and loads of opportunities for physical comedy. Someone please stage it!

  • Morey Norkin: I Have No Words

    Through her own words, Martha moves from anger, fear, hope, disgust, pride as she faces the invasion of her homeland, Ukraine, in real time. Martha is the young (19) talented artist who beautifully illustrated The Bear - Beginnings for Chris. Her story is real. The world must not look away.

    Through her own words, Martha moves from anger, fear, hope, disgust, pride as she faces the invasion of her homeland, Ukraine, in real time. Martha is the young (19) talented artist who beautifully illustrated The Bear - Beginnings for Chris. Her story is real. The world must not look away.

  • Morey Norkin: The Ultimate Christmas Question

    This delightful Christmas comedy is sure to spark lively audience discussion! It’s difficult enough agreeing on a favorite Christmas movie, but when some don’t even qualify… This was a joy to read and I also highly recommend the audio version from Gather by the Ghost Light.

    This delightful Christmas comedy is sure to spark lively audience discussion! It’s difficult enough agreeing on a favorite Christmas movie, but when some don’t even qualify… This was a joy to read and I also highly recommend the audio version from Gather by the Ghost Light.

  • Morey Norkin: Better Than Normal

    This sweet, lovely play from Hannah Lee DeFrates will have you smiling throughout! What could be happier than an adorable young couple just starting their romantic journey together? Although this is set on Halloween, I, for one, could watch this anytime of year!

    This sweet, lovely play from Hannah Lee DeFrates will have you smiling throughout! What could be happier than an adorable young couple just starting their romantic journey together? Although this is set on Halloween, I, for one, could watch this anytime of year!

  • Morey Norkin: MRS. DUNN (a 10 minute play)

    The importance of teachers to a functioning society cannot be overstated. And in this lovely short play, Marj O’Neill-Butler introduces us to Mrs. Dunn, an English teacher determined to help a failing student with too much responsibility on his young shoulders. Every student deserves a Mrs. Dunn. And Marj O’Neill Butler deserves a round of applause for this moving piece!

    The importance of teachers to a functioning society cannot be overstated. And in this lovely short play, Marj O’Neill-Butler introduces us to Mrs. Dunn, an English teacher determined to help a failing student with too much responsibility on his young shoulders. Every student deserves a Mrs. Dunn. And Marj O’Neill Butler deserves a round of applause for this moving piece!

  • Morey Norkin: A Day in the Life of a Former Zombie

    I’m learning that the word Zombie in a title doesn’t mean a play will align with my preconceived ideas. And that’s a good thing! DC Cathro has created a thoughtful story of workplace conflict around a male colleague whose long ago appearance in an obscure zombie movie serves as a trigger for some of his female coworkers. His confusion, their trauma, and the supervisor’s predicament are all absolutely real. There are no easy answers, and Cathro smartly leaves us to ponder and discuss. A must read/stage!

    I’m learning that the word Zombie in a title doesn’t mean a play will align with my preconceived ideas. And that’s a good thing! DC Cathro has created a thoughtful story of workplace conflict around a male colleague whose long ago appearance in an obscure zombie movie serves as a trigger for some of his female coworkers. His confusion, their trauma, and the supervisor’s predicament are all absolutely real. There are no easy answers, and Cathro smartly leaves us to ponder and discuss. A must read/stage!

  • Morey Norkin: Y & Z

    Christopher Plumridge has created a chilling horror short for radio. With only the voices of the two actors and added sound effects, our imaginations can run wild as some sinister thing (IT) lurks about. Goosebumps!

    Christopher Plumridge has created a chilling horror short for radio. With only the voices of the two actors and added sound effects, our imaginations can run wild as some sinister thing (IT) lurks about. Goosebumps!

  • Morey Norkin: Suburban Zombie Princess

    Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn manages to pack a lot into this short monologue. Her unique brand of humor is on full display here, especially with the final line, as is her ability to create quirky, compelling characters. Few of us will have to face becoming zombies after death, but we all will have to consider our life choices. Today I chose mint chocolate chip ice cream.

    Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn manages to pack a lot into this short monologue. Her unique brand of humor is on full display here, especially with the final line, as is her ability to create quirky, compelling characters. Few of us will have to face becoming zombies after death, but we all will have to consider our life choices. Today I chose mint chocolate chip ice cream.

  • Morey Norkin: Cookies for Santa

    This is a riot! Not at all what I was expecting. It was much, much better!! Any actor who plays Santa is in for a good time! And sound technicians take note: be sure to use the authentic Godzilla voice! This is my kind of holiday play!

    This is a riot! Not at all what I was expecting. It was much, much better!! Any actor who plays Santa is in for a good time! And sound technicians take note: be sure to use the authentic Godzilla voice! This is my kind of holiday play!

  • Morey Norkin: Florida Man

    I can see the headline now! “Florida man…” And you already know you’re either in for a good laugh or you’ll be shaking your head in disbelief. In this case, Deb Cole has us laughing and shaking our heads! What some people won’t do for their 15 minutes of fame! Well done!

    I can see the headline now! “Florida man…” And you already know you’re either in for a good laugh or you’ll be shaking your head in disbelief. In this case, Deb Cole has us laughing and shaking our heads! What some people won’t do for their 15 minutes of fame! Well done!