Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: One Last Stroke

    Saying a final farewell is never easy, but when it involves one of furry family members, the pain seems magnified. Perhaps because they ask for so little and give so much in return. Chris Plumridge has penned a lovely tribute to his Charlie. A good boy, indeed.

    Saying a final farewell is never easy, but when it involves one of furry family members, the pain seems magnified. Perhaps because they ask for so little and give so much in return. Chris Plumridge has penned a lovely tribute to his Charlie. A good boy, indeed.

  • Morey Norkin: Happy Holidays?

    Truly a play for all seasons and holidays! Managing the seasons and holidays is a challenge for any of us, but imagine, as Rachel has done brilliantly, that it’s actually someone’s job! And when seasons and holidays have their own personalities and grievances, well, the laughs are as plentiful as a bagful of Halloween treats or an over stuffed Christmas stocking! This should be destined to become a year round holiday classic!

    Truly a play for all seasons and holidays! Managing the seasons and holidays is a challenge for any of us, but imagine, as Rachel has done brilliantly, that it’s actually someone’s job! And when seasons and holidays have their own personalities and grievances, well, the laughs are as plentiful as a bagful of Halloween treats or an over stuffed Christmas stocking! This should be destined to become a year round holiday classic!

  • Morey Norkin: The Day

    THE DAY has an eerie, chilling vibe very much in tune with Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery. Hannah Lee DeFrates presents a seemingly sweet and innocent outing, but the mood shifts and we are drawn in and led to the shocking conclusion. There are many questions left to consider, and no doubt audiences will be buzzing with theories at the conclusion of this stunner! I hope they get the chance!

    THE DAY has an eerie, chilling vibe very much in tune with Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery. Hannah Lee DeFrates presents a seemingly sweet and innocent outing, but the mood shifts and we are drawn in and led to the shocking conclusion. There are many questions left to consider, and no doubt audiences will be buzzing with theories at the conclusion of this stunner! I hope they get the chance!

  • Morey Norkin: Boardwalk Concessions

    You just know from the outset that everyone in the audience will be anxiously wondering whether Kaden will take a bite of their corn dog. Just as one might savor the first bite of any boardwalk treat, you can find immense pleasure in this touching comedy as two somewhat clueless characters move toward self awareness. Theaters performing this play could make a fortune with a well-stocked concession stand!

    You just know from the outset that everyone in the audience will be anxiously wondering whether Kaden will take a bite of their corn dog. Just as one might savor the first bite of any boardwalk treat, you can find immense pleasure in this touching comedy as two somewhat clueless characters move toward self awareness. Theaters performing this play could make a fortune with a well-stocked concession stand!

  • Morey Norkin: Waiting On Mom, Who Already Left

    John Busser is a terrific comedy writer. Here he makes perfect use of humor as a release for two siblings suffering from the exhaustion and frayed nerves from the recent passing of their mother. The situation, the characters, and their reactions to events and each other are all completely believable. This piece works perfectly as a 10-minute play, but with a hint that this is the opening scene of a full-length version, I look forward to the chance to revisit! And I hope Aunt Peg will make an appearance!

    John Busser is a terrific comedy writer. Here he makes perfect use of humor as a release for two siblings suffering from the exhaustion and frayed nerves from the recent passing of their mother. The situation, the characters, and their reactions to events and each other are all completely believable. This piece works perfectly as a 10-minute play, but with a hint that this is the opening scene of a full-length version, I look forward to the chance to revisit! And I hope Aunt Peg will make an appearance!

  • Morey Norkin: Ahavah

    Family gatherings, including paying respects to a recently passed and beloved grandmother, can bring about a case of self consciousness. Dana Hall and David Lipschutz capture this feeling with a light comic touch in this tender story of self acceptance, grief, and love. Beautifully done.

    Family gatherings, including paying respects to a recently passed and beloved grandmother, can bring about a case of self consciousness. Dana Hall and David Lipschutz capture this feeling with a light comic touch in this tender story of self acceptance, grief, and love. Beautifully done.

  • Morey Norkin: Haydn's Heads

    I had no knowledge of the history this hysterical short work is based on, but it’s a wonderful concept brought brilliantly to life (so to speak) by Lee R. Lawing! The visual aspect alone is worth the price of admission. Add to that Lawing’s clever dialogue, and you have a winning two hander (double header?)!

    I had no knowledge of the history this hysterical short work is based on, but it’s a wonderful concept brought brilliantly to life (so to speak) by Lee R. Lawing! The visual aspect alone is worth the price of admission. Add to that Lawing’s clever dialogue, and you have a winning two hander (double header?)!

  • Morey Norkin: Everyday Monsters

    Donald E. Baker’s EVERYDAY MONSTERS is a powerful, disturbing tale of how power and privilege can be used to subject others to the most extreme conditions. Even when confronted by his victim, the abuser remains unmoved, comfortable in his superior position. Baker’s writing is authentic, intelligent, and intense. Even the ending will leave you trying to catch your breath.

    Donald E. Baker’s EVERYDAY MONSTERS is a powerful, disturbing tale of how power and privilege can be used to subject others to the most extreme conditions. Even when confronted by his victim, the abuser remains unmoved, comfortable in his superior position. Baker’s writing is authentic, intelligent, and intense. Even the ending will leave you trying to catch your breath.

  • Morey Norkin: Not But In Mistaking

    A completely enjoyable romantic comedy with a nervous bride, a possibly philandering groom, a supportive maid of honor, and “a messy bitch who loves drama.” Throw in references to Shakespeare and community theater and I’m all in! The concept of an offstage “Literally Everyone Else” is unique and no doubt would add to the overall fun of this piece.

    A completely enjoyable romantic comedy with a nervous bride, a possibly philandering groom, a supportive maid of honor, and “a messy bitch who loves drama.” Throw in references to Shakespeare and community theater and I’m all in! The concept of an offstage “Literally Everyone Else” is unique and no doubt would add to the overall fun of this piece.

  • Morey Norkin: Glass Slipper, Size 8 1/2

    Jacquie Floyd’s charming fantasy/romantic comedy is pure delight! The back and forth between fantasy and reality and the earnestness of the fantasy version of the ex boyfriend will leave audiences in stitches. I couldn’t help noticing that GLASS SLIPPER has had numerous high school productions. Understandable with the the characters being college students and Jacquie’s keen ear for youthful dialogue. But this is a play guaranteed to bring laughter to all generations! Hopefully it will come to a high school, college, or other theater near you!

    Jacquie Floyd’s charming fantasy/romantic comedy is pure delight! The back and forth between fantasy and reality and the earnestness of the fantasy version of the ex boyfriend will leave audiences in stitches. I couldn’t help noticing that GLASS SLIPPER has had numerous high school productions. Understandable with the the characters being college students and Jacquie’s keen ear for youthful dialogue. But this is a play guaranteed to bring laughter to all generations! Hopefully it will come to a high school, college, or other theater near you!