Recommended by Jennifer O'Grady

  • Tag on Toe
    22 Nov. 2021
    A fascinating conversation about motherhood and some of the reasons why people have children but which few are brave enough to say out loud. I love Annabel's directness and honesty in this ten-minute two-hander, and the way she inadvertently causes her co-worker Kay to think along similar and very honest lines.
    16 Nov. 2021
    Tuft's ingenious, gripping and very timely play takes us on the twists and turns of a contemporary production of Miller's Crucible as the show's Abigail, a YouTube influencer with no stage experience, discovers the misogyny and power imbalances in the play and production and decides to do something about it. I'd so love to see this on stage.
    15 Nov. 2021
    Charming, theatrical and very funny ten-minute two-hander that's perfect for Valentine's Day or any other day.
  • The Poster - A Monologue
    9 Nov. 2021
    Such a wonderful and believable monologue about an empty-nester mom who has finally figured out what to do with herself and how add meaning to her life in a very positive way. Lovely!
  • I See You
    1 Nov. 2021
    Lovely ten-minute two-hander exploring friendship in the current pandemic and the ways in which enforced restrictions sometimes force us--or enable us--to see and appreciate life a little more. Anyone who has lived through covid (i.e., all of us who are still here) can relate to this play.
  • Last Dance with MJ
    1 Nov. 2021
    Great ten-minute two-hander about rejection and vengeance with strong roles for women. I loved being in on Jo and Milly's plan--their dialogue sounds so real and their pain and anger is so relatable, and their ultimately empowering plan is so fun. Well done!
  • Trick or Treat, Seriously
    17 Oct. 2021
    Hilarious Halloween two-hander that completely nails and skewers the suburban Halloween thing, but Thompson's play also has a delightful and unexpected twist at the end that's also very funny. This would make an excellent addition to any holiday-themed fest and would be fun on its own too.
  • A Walkable Feast
    17 Oct. 2021
    What a wonderful play! I love the developing relationship between student in need of reassurance and initially reluctant teacher. Wang gives so much to actors--the dialogue is sharp, funny and rich with subtext and her characters are utterly convincing. A really beautiful and hopeful play about connection.
  • 38 Cookies, 39 Reasons [a monologue]
    29 Sep. 2021
    Powerful and theatrical play, and so creative! And with so much to say. I would love to see this performed.
  • Major Serious Fucking Diet (a Mother's Day monologue)
    29 Sep. 2021
    The title alone made me want to read this, but it's much more than its title as it really wonderfully and theatrically conveys some of the absurdities of dieting and some of the sad absurdities of living through a pandemic. Great twists in this too!
