Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

I create poetic, dark, sensual, wry performances that ping-pong between the sacred and the profane. These uber-theatrical, collaborative creations are vehicles for self-reflection and self-empowerment.

The search for human connection is a vulnerable land. I navigate it’s rawness with honesty and humor, forcing characters to encounter isolation or question their role in the community.

A young girl whose voiced is silenced, compensates by turning into a tiger. She can self-protect, but at what cost?

A zombie can’t find her way back into her community; no one will let her in.

An underground arts group creates a loss ritual for a member who has been disappeared, complete with dinner, games and a live tarot reading.

These stories go to uncomfortable places and only offer questions, no answers, no resolutions, but they say that you are welcome, exactly as you are.