Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

I write for the theatre because it is uniquely a space of pure presence and immersion, where a story well-told can catalyze collective yet deeply personal engagement with the complexity of life in this world. My aim is to break us out of our bubbles – whether of culture, or bias, or fear -- and let new conversations begin. I strive to make distant and close-but-unspoken realities live and breathe on stage, and to have audiences feel invited (and a little scared) to make their own connections with them. I write about humans in their relation to migration, to the Earth, and to the messiness of history.

I strive for poetry in my writing – to elevate the language of the everyday to the place where it “hits,” such that the world of the play grows spacious, even playful, making room for the actors and the audience to find and inhabit their own meaning. Expressionism – as a metaphoric, emotional, interruption to realism – further expands and grounds the theatrical power of my stories.

I started as a literary scholars and began writing plays because my experience, my education and my passion for the art form have called me to it. I keep writing because I have learned that it is the best way to “penetrate existence with active love, and thereby discover its meaning for yourself” (M. Buber, 1952).