Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

My name is Chris and I’m just going to get this out of the way: I’m a Millennial. And before you ask: No, I’m not one of the good Millennials who learned coding in school and knows how to use Instagram Stories. I'm one of those "other" Millennials who was born in the '80s, remembers VCRs, and graduated college in the middle of a f*#&ing recession (can't wait for the sequel, though!). Why do I need to tell you this? Because that’s what I write about. I write plays that ask how we're supposed to get on with our petty little lives while being haunted by these petty little “Millennial” problems. You know, trifling things like perpetual war, insurmountable debt, and the looming specter of environmental calamity. Oh, and avocado toast (which is both too expensive *and* gives me heartburn. WTF?). Did I mention I find these things HILARIOUS?