Recommended by David Lee White

  • David Lee White: Enabler

    This is a pitch-perfect, ten minute dark comedy. Brennan has something important to say but she also has a flair for absurdist comedy. What starts out as commentary on the marketing of pharmaceuticals quickly takes a detour and becomes a cautionary tale about the search for a quick fix. The dialogue is fun and snappy. An ensemble of funny actors would have a great time with this.

    This is a pitch-perfect, ten minute dark comedy. Brennan has something important to say but she also has a flair for absurdist comedy. What starts out as commentary on the marketing of pharmaceuticals quickly takes a detour and becomes a cautionary tale about the search for a quick fix. The dialogue is fun and snappy. An ensemble of funny actors would have a great time with this.

  • David Lee White: Inbox: Empty or Airport: Scanning

    How wonderful to read a play about a man and a woman that isn’t about hooking up or finding a mate, but is simply about making a connection. This play is clever and theatrically savvy, but underneath the fun (and funny) use of technology is a very sweet, very human story.

    How wonderful to read a play about a man and a woman that isn’t about hooking up or finding a mate, but is simply about making a connection. This play is clever and theatrically savvy, but underneath the fun (and funny) use of technology is a very sweet, very human story.

  • David Lee White: Interviewese

    I just had the pleasure of seeing a reading of this hilarious play! If you're looking for a wild, irreverent play for four comedic actresses, check it out. Ian August's wit is second to none and this play has enough absurdism and existential dread to make it more than just light comedy. Amidst all the punchlines, there's a very weighty exploration about the toxic effects of competitive capitalism. Best of all, you may think you've got things figured out after the first thirty minutes, but August saves some of his best surprises for the end.

    I just had the pleasure of seeing a reading of this hilarious play! If you're looking for a wild, irreverent play for four comedic actresses, check it out. Ian August's wit is second to none and this play has enough absurdism and existential dread to make it more than just light comedy. Amidst all the punchlines, there's a very weighty exploration about the toxic effects of competitive capitalism. Best of all, you may think you've got things figured out after the first thirty minutes, but August saves some of his best surprises for the end.

  • David Lee White: Stabilized Turbulence

    This is a great, funny, smart comedy that takes place in the world of physics and journal publication. I saw a rehearsed reading of the piece at the Rider New Play Festival and was very impressed. Kaissar has an ear for sharp dialogue and his plots are always intricate, thoughtful and surprising.

    This is a great, funny, smart comedy that takes place in the world of physics and journal publication. I saw a rehearsed reading of the piece at the Rider New Play Festival and was very impressed. Kaissar has an ear for sharp dialogue and his plots are always intricate, thoughtful and surprising.

  • David Lee White: The Complete Western History Of The Human Race Abridged

    Of the plays Greg Nanni has uploaded here, this is the one I'm most familiar with, although I would suggest looking at all of them. Greg has a chaotic, anarchic, absurdest take on life and theatre that makes his work hilarious, delightful and wickedly entertaining. This particular play is exactly what it says it is - the complete western history of the human race as performed by two actors. It's a great showcase for two comedic performers.

    Of the plays Greg Nanni has uploaded here, this is the one I'm most familiar with, although I would suggest looking at all of them. Greg has a chaotic, anarchic, absurdest take on life and theatre that makes his work hilarious, delightful and wickedly entertaining. This particular play is exactly what it says it is - the complete western history of the human race as performed by two actors. It's a great showcase for two comedic performers.

  • David Lee White: Samuraization: How to Eat Your Sushi & Have it, Too!

    I adore Pandora's work and this is the piece I'm most familiar with. I was in the room as she was developing it and had the chance to see it in performance. She's a mesmerizing performer, but her writing is equally wonderful. It's part spoken word, part confessional memoir all tied up in an avant-garde bow. She tackles our shared fascination, and fear of, death as well as giving us a glimpse into her own family background as well as the life of Yukio Mishima.

    I adore Pandora's work and this is the piece I'm most familiar with. I was in the room as she was developing it and had the chance to see it in performance. She's a mesmerizing performer, but her writing is equally wonderful. It's part spoken word, part confessional memoir all tied up in an avant-garde bow. She tackles our shared fascination, and fear of, death as well as giving us a glimpse into her own family background as well as the life of Yukio Mishima.

  • David Lee White: Inside Out

    This a terrific play for high school actors. Unlike your standard family-friendly fare, it's challenging and edgy, even uncomfortable at times. Anyone that's ever been an outsider and had to undertake the seemingly endless search for identity and acceptance will empathize with the protagonist in this piece. There are also a number of delightfully eccentric and fun secondary characters for students to sink their teeth into.

    This a terrific play for high school actors. Unlike your standard family-friendly fare, it's challenging and edgy, even uncomfortable at times. Anyone that's ever been an outsider and had to undertake the seemingly endless search for identity and acceptance will empathize with the protagonist in this piece. There are also a number of delightfully eccentric and fun secondary characters for students to sink their teeth into.

  • David Lee White: Radio Galaxy

    Kushner did some of this play's initial development in the Passage Theatre Play Lab last year. It's a marvelous piece, full of down-to-earth characters and out-of-this-world ideas. Kushner has a way of making you believe stories that may seem improbable at first, but become thoughtful and moving because of her rich characters and sharp dialogue.

    Kushner did some of this play's initial development in the Passage Theatre Play Lab last year. It's a marvelous piece, full of down-to-earth characters and out-of-this-world ideas. Kushner has a way of making you believe stories that may seem improbable at first, but become thoughtful and moving because of her rich characters and sharp dialogue.

  • David Lee White: DISSENT

    This is a remarkably intelligent piece of work - at times frightening but also lively and (darkly) humorous. I've seen readings of it a few times now and it has gone through a very rigorous development process. It's ready for production. Definitely worth a read if you're looking for something smart, topical and highly entertaining.

    This is a remarkably intelligent piece of work - at times frightening but also lively and (darkly) humorous. I've seen readings of it a few times now and it has gone through a very rigorous development process. It's ready for production. Definitely worth a read if you're looking for something smart, topical and highly entertaining.

  • David Lee White: The Goldilocks Zone

    This play is currently in production at Passage Theatre in Trenton. It's a magnificent piece of writing. Very funny and very moving.

    This play is currently in production at Passage Theatre in Trenton. It's a magnificent piece of writing. Very funny and very moving.