Recommendations of Closing Doors

  • Theodore Wright: Closing Doors

    I loved this piece! I remember having an intense fear of being out and about during an active shooter situation because it happened to me during a drill. It also hits hard because my brother is a middle school theatre teacher and I couldn't bare to lose him. But I know he would feel horrible if a student got hurt instead of him. It brings up conflicting emotions, which I'm sure was the intent.

    I loved this piece! I remember having an intense fear of being out and about during an active shooter situation because it happened to me during a drill. It also hits hard because my brother is a middle school theatre teacher and I couldn't bare to lose him. But I know he would feel horrible if a student got hurt instead of him. It brings up conflicting emotions, which I'm sure was the intent.

  • Ian Thal: Closing Doors

    Having worked many years as a substitute teacher, I have been in the classroom during drills and once even during an actual lockdown, as well as being placed on front door duty many times (and having second-guessed a decision or two) – the ethical and moral debate between the protagonists feels very real; very much the sort of "what-if" one ponders at the end of a bad day.

    Having worked many years as a substitute teacher, I have been in the classroom during drills and once even during an actual lockdown, as well as being placed on front door duty many times (and having second-guessed a decision or two) – the ethical and moral debate between the protagonists feels very real; very much the sort of "what-if" one ponders at the end of a bad day.

  • Brenda Salas: Closing Doors

    Such a great play! Subtle but intense with a powerful message. Bravo!

    Such a great play! Subtle but intense with a powerful message. Bravo!

  • David Shumate: Closing Doors

    I loved it! It really got me heated about the subject and I really felt for Sandra's character, I would've done the same thing in that situation. it is very compelling.

    I loved it! It really got me heated about the subject and I really felt for Sandra's character, I would've done the same thing in that situation. it is very compelling.

  • Sami Vogelman: Closing Doors

    This play was a truly fascinating read because I have never thought about the active shooter drills from a administrative or teacher perspective only from my perspective as a student who has been involved in these kinds of drills/ situations.

    This play was a truly fascinating read because I have never thought about the active shooter drills from a administrative or teacher perspective only from my perspective as a student who has been involved in these kinds of drills/ situations.

  • Insha Iqbal: Closing Doors

    This play was a fascinating read, and as someone who grew up with constant active shooter drills, it really struck a chord with me. It offers up a discussion about the trauma that both students and educators go through as a result of the way that the American public education system has chosen to handle the threat of active shooters. It explores the notion of responsibility for the safety of children in American schools from the perspective of both the teachers who are actively on the front lines of these situations and the administrators who create the policies surrounding them.

    This play was a fascinating read, and as someone who grew up with constant active shooter drills, it really struck a chord with me. It offers up a discussion about the trauma that both students and educators go through as a result of the way that the American public education system has chosen to handle the threat of active shooters. It explores the notion of responsibility for the safety of children in American schools from the perspective of both the teachers who are actively on the front lines of these situations and the administrators who create the policies surrounding them.

  • Bran-Ivan Castillo: Closing Doors

    Very interesting play. seeing the perspective of the teachers and admin instead of having the focus be the trauma itself was very refreshing.

    Very interesting play. seeing the perspective of the teachers and admin instead of having the focus be the trauma itself was very refreshing.

  • Dexter Murphy: Closing Doors

    Very well written with a different focus on a subject that many are, unfortunately, well familiar with. Most of the discussions around this sensitive topic happen outside of the school, but the argument of this play happens inside. A very interesting redirection.

    Very well written with a different focus on a subject that many are, unfortunately, well familiar with. Most of the discussions around this sensitive topic happen outside of the school, but the argument of this play happens inside. A very interesting redirection.

  • Kaitlyn Huston: Closing Doors

    Incredibly compelling piece and commentary on our country's massive failure to our schools and children and our response to it. As an aspiring future educator, I was left asking myself many questions I hadn't thought to ask before.

    Incredibly compelling piece and commentary on our country's massive failure to our schools and children and our response to it. As an aspiring future educator, I was left asking myself many questions I hadn't thought to ask before.

  • Johnny Eathorne: Closing Doors

    I thought it was interesting to see the interactions between an emotional thinker and an objective thinker. I also find it interesting that deciding who is "right" is up to the reader.

    I thought it was interesting to see the interactions between an emotional thinker and an objective thinker. I also find it interesting that deciding who is "right" is up to the reader.