Recommendations of It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

  • John Minigan: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    If and when the world ends, it could never be as brilliant, hilarious, and biting as it is in this two-minute gem of a play. And it may find us doing what Stella does, fiddling (with our phones) while everything burns. In deft strokes, Steven G. Martin gives us in Stellan, Stella's sib, who in other circumstances and with a different café companion, might have a chance at awareness. We see in him a glimmer of hope too quickly extinguished by a hashtag and a dash of foam as much as by whatever falls from the skies. Outstanding work.

    If and when the world ends, it could never be as brilliant, hilarious, and biting as it is in this two-minute gem of a play. And it may find us doing what Stella does, fiddling (with our phones) while everything burns. In deft strokes, Steven G. Martin gives us in Stellan, Stella's sib, who in other circumstances and with a different café companion, might have a chance at awareness. We see in him a glimmer of hope too quickly extinguished by a hashtag and a dash of foam as much as by whatever falls from the skies. Outstanding work.

  • Hayley St. James: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    The world is literally about to end, well-meaning but airheades Stellan warns us. But who cares about apocalypse, there’s macchiatos to drink! Oblivious, hilarious Stella is too busy complaining about completely ephemeral matters to really give thought to the impending destruction of the planet. Two minutes of delightfully cringe-laugh social satire.

    The world is literally about to end, well-meaning but airheades Stellan warns us. But who cares about apocalypse, there’s macchiatos to drink! Oblivious, hilarious Stella is too busy complaining about completely ephemeral matters to really give thought to the impending destruction of the planet. Two minutes of delightfully cringe-laugh social satire.

  • Philip Middleton Williams: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    The world may end with a bang or a whimper... but how about a giggle? Steven G. Martin wraps up the culture that's about to be cancelled, but in this case as demonstrated by these two airheads, it's worth doing.

    The world may end with a bang or a whimper... but how about a giggle? Steven G. Martin wraps up the culture that's about to be cancelled, but in this case as demonstrated by these two airheads, it's worth doing.

  • Scott Sickles: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    Sometimes, two minutes with a person is 120 seconds too many. Stella is one of those people. And trust me... you know a Stella!

    Her younger brother Stellan seems to be aware that other people matter, at least as memories and concepts. If only Stella hadn’t managed to eclipse both him and the meteor hurtling towards the earth on a path of destruction. The more Stella talks, the faster you wish it would get here.

    Stella is a genius creation of comic social commentary and the play is a fast, furious delight!
    #ThisPlayEquals #YourBestLife

    Sometimes, two minutes with a person is 120 seconds too many. Stella is one of those people. And trust me... you know a Stella!

    Her younger brother Stellan seems to be aware that other people matter, at least as memories and concepts. If only Stella hadn’t managed to eclipse both him and the meteor hurtling towards the earth on a path of destruction. The more Stella talks, the faster you wish it would get here.

    Stella is a genius creation of comic social commentary and the play is a fast, furious delight!
    #ThisPlayEquals #YourBestLife

  • Marcia Eppich-Harris: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    I was able to see Back Porch Theatre's performance of this. Very funny! You know just who these characters are right away, and it makes you think about the superficiality of the modern world. I absolutely loved it!

    I was able to see Back Porch Theatre's performance of this. Very funny! You know just who these characters are right away, and it makes you think about the superficiality of the modern world. I absolutely loved it!

  • Lee R. Lawing: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    Stupid is is Stupid does and with Martin's deft hands, it's also one of the funniest plays I've ever seen or read. I was fortunate enough to hear this performed on Back Porch Theater performed by the talented Miranda Jonte and Kevin Loreque.

    Stupid is is Stupid does and with Martin's deft hands, it's also one of the funniest plays I've ever seen or read. I was fortunate enough to hear this performed on Back Porch Theater performed by the talented Miranda Jonte and Kevin Loreque.

  • Miranda Jonté: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    ADORED this- I want more of Stella and Stellan which is a sign of the writer's strength in ability to so wholly create characters in a very short amount of time. I knew exactly who Stella was within her first line. A beautiful short piece illustrating disconnect, obliviousness and self-centeredness (see first adjective) when the world is, quite literally, ending. And it is this sheer accuracy which creates the flabbergast- fueled comedy of Stella and Stellan.
    (Personally, I wouldn't mind a good cup of coffee for company when the world ends)

    ADORED this- I want more of Stella and Stellan which is a sign of the writer's strength in ability to so wholly create characters in a very short amount of time. I knew exactly who Stella was within her first line. A beautiful short piece illustrating disconnect, obliviousness and self-centeredness (see first adjective) when the world is, quite literally, ending. And it is this sheer accuracy which creates the flabbergast- fueled comedy of Stella and Stellan.
    (Personally, I wouldn't mind a good cup of coffee for company when the world ends)

  • DC Cathro: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    OMG. Hysterical. This slice-of-life/end-of-the-world moment perfectly sums up the vapid existence of, sadly, fate too many folks in this age of macchiatos and influencers. There are SO MANY reasons the earth shouldn’t end. This is one point in favor of oblivion. Again, tres hilarious.

    OMG. Hysterical. This slice-of-life/end-of-the-world moment perfectly sums up the vapid existence of, sadly, fate too many folks in this age of macchiatos and influencers. There are SO MANY reasons the earth shouldn’t end. This is one point in favor of oblivion. Again, tres hilarious.

  • John Mabey: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    It's the little things in life that bring us so much joy to complain about. And in this clever short by Steven Martin, you just might recognize a little too much of yourself, too. With just a couple minutes to doom, these characters lament over Tuesdays in high comedy while also illustrating some of the ways in which we all cope (for better or worse). A delightful addition to short play festivals!

    It's the little things in life that bring us so much joy to complain about. And in this clever short by Steven Martin, you just might recognize a little too much of yourself, too. With just a couple minutes to doom, these characters lament over Tuesdays in high comedy while also illustrating some of the ways in which we all cope (for better or worse). A delightful addition to short play festivals!

  • Emily McClain: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    You will 100% cringe in recognition at these self-absorbed idiots- or if you don't, perhaps you should cringe all the more? We are a world on the brink of climate crisis, annihilation of our species, destruction of the planet.... but mmmmm I do love macchiatos! #blessed #TeamMeteor

    You will 100% cringe in recognition at these self-absorbed idiots- or if you don't, perhaps you should cringe all the more? We are a world on the brink of climate crisis, annihilation of our species, destruction of the planet.... but mmmmm I do love macchiatos! #blessed #TeamMeteor