Recommendations of It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

  • Ryan Kaminski: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    A very funny satirical little gym! I love the concept and how Steven G. Martin pokes fun at today's current tech-savvy hashtag-loving generation. Great fun! Would be wonderful to see at ten minute play festivals!

    A very funny satirical little gym! I love the concept and how Steven G. Martin pokes fun at today's current tech-savvy hashtag-loving generation. Great fun! Would be wonderful to see at ten minute play festivals!

  • Samantha Marchant: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    Oh, Tuesdays are the worst! Lots of funny stuff and cringe-y relatability packed in the last two minutes on earth.

    Oh, Tuesdays are the worst! Lots of funny stuff and cringe-y relatability packed in the last two minutes on earth.

  • Adam Richter: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    This dark and delightful satire of American life does a lot of heavy lifting in two short pages. These characters give you every reason to root for the meteor. Plus the play ends with one of the greatest stage directions ever put down on the page.

    This dark and delightful satire of American life does a lot of heavy lifting in two short pages. These characters give you every reason to root for the meteor. Plus the play ends with one of the greatest stage directions ever put down on the page.

  • Vince Melocchi: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    What a gem! A well crafted play that brought a whole world to life in just 2 minutes. Bravo!

    What a gem! A well crafted play that brought a whole world to life in just 2 minutes. Bravo!

  • Monica Cross: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    Some things are just more important than the end of the world! Sitting in a coffee shop talking too loudly about lip stick and sipping a yummy macchiato is apparently one of them. Though these utterly self-absorbed characters, Steven G. Martin gives us insight and amusement at the end of the world! #TheBestThingsInLife

    Some things are just more important than the end of the world! Sitting in a coffee shop talking too loudly about lip stick and sipping a yummy macchiato is apparently one of them. Though these utterly self-absorbed characters, Steven G. Martin gives us insight and amusement at the end of the world! #TheBestThingsInLife

  • Daniel Smith: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    A funny and thought-provoking piece that considers the convergence of the material world and digital media, with characters who fail even to attempt to find meaning in an apocalyptic event. Stella's Francophilia adds an intriguing layer, elevating her beyond caricature.

    A funny and thought-provoking piece that considers the convergence of the material world and digital media, with characters who fail even to attempt to find meaning in an apocalyptic event. Stella's Francophilia adds an intriguing layer, elevating her beyond caricature.

  • Daniel Prillaman: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    It only makes sense that the world would end on a Tuesday, but at least we can go out with macchiatos in hand! Martin, without effort, works absolute comic wonders in the shortest of scenes, hilariously condemning our attachment to our devices through the creation of an addictive, enthralling pair of characters. Lovely piece.

    It only makes sense that the world would end on a Tuesday, but at least we can go out with macchiatos in hand! Martin, without effort, works absolute comic wonders in the shortest of scenes, hilariously condemning our attachment to our devices through the creation of an addictive, enthralling pair of characters. Lovely piece.

  • Tom Moran: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    Self-absorption reaches its logical extreme in this two-minute ditty about the end of the world. What will it take to drag some people off of their phones and out of their solipsistic bubbles? As the play wittily posits, absolutely nothing.

    Self-absorption reaches its logical extreme in this two-minute ditty about the end of the world. What will it take to drag some people off of their phones and out of their solipsistic bubbles? As the play wittily posits, absolutely nothing.

  • Ken Green: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    Having just attempted to write a micro-short play (one minute), I know how hard it is to not only tell a story but build the characters in that story. Steven manages to do that and more. The world won't go out with a whimper or a bang but a ... (shrug). Nice work.

    Having just attempted to write a micro-short play (one minute), I know how hard it is to not only tell a story but build the characters in that story. Steven manages to do that and more. The world won't go out with a whimper or a bang but a ... (shrug). Nice work.

  • Emily Hageman: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    So funny and timely, Martin knocks it out of the park again with his dry wit. One of my favorite lines maybe in a play ever--Iowa is where the dirt and farmers are. Brilliant, funny, and even a little poignant.

    So funny and timely, Martin knocks it out of the park again with his dry wit. One of my favorite lines maybe in a play ever--Iowa is where the dirt and farmers are. Brilliant, funny, and even a little poignant.