Recommendations of It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

  • Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    I love that this play serves as an admonition, a commentary, and as entertainment. A snippet of a play that says more in two pages than many in ten. A surprisingly sardonic piece from Martin, who's been widely recognized for his uplifting pieces. A truly dynamic writer.

    I love that this play serves as an admonition, a commentary, and as entertainment. A snippet of a play that says more in two pages than many in ten. A surprisingly sardonic piece from Martin, who's been widely recognized for his uplifting pieces. A truly dynamic writer.

  • Claudia Haas: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    It’s the end of the world. Will you be sending selfies while drinking designer coffee and making pithy pronouncements? Who knows in these times? A through-a-glass-darkly look at our world and our priorities. Maybe it’s time to rethink ... before it’s too late.

    It’s the end of the world. Will you be sending selfies while drinking designer coffee and making pithy pronouncements? Who knows in these times? A through-a-glass-darkly look at our world and our priorities. Maybe it’s time to rethink ... before it’s too late.

  • Ricardo Soltero-Brown: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    If the world were ending, some people would, appropriately, pull up a lawn chair and eat popcorn, sadly Stella and Stellan can't even seem to do that with their coffee. They're too busy with their phones and opinions. It's a deft commentary on how we need people, not only to care, but to act, instead of just yelling into the internet. Martin finds a way to slyly and wryly goad us into doing more.

    If the world were ending, some people would, appropriately, pull up a lawn chair and eat popcorn, sadly Stella and Stellan can't even seem to do that with their coffee. They're too busy with their phones and opinions. It's a deft commentary on how we need people, not only to care, but to act, instead of just yelling into the internet. Martin finds a way to slyly and wryly goad us into doing more.

  • Asher Wyndham: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    During the reading I'm like HA HA these two are sooooo not like me or my friends -- their banter about lip balms and not caring a bit about the end of the world is so alien to me. And then, as perfect satires do well, make you reflect on your own attitudes, worldview, esp. when you're in a cafe complaining about the inconsequential things. This is pure comedy gold under 3 minutes, just right for your short play festival. The audience will love this.

    During the reading I'm like HA HA these two are sooooo not like me or my friends -- their banter about lip balms and not caring a bit about the end of the world is so alien to me. And then, as perfect satires do well, make you reflect on your own attitudes, worldview, esp. when you're in a cafe complaining about the inconsequential things. This is pure comedy gold under 3 minutes, just right for your short play festival. The audience will love this.

  • Rachael Carnes: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    A two-minute treat! Martin frames out a terrific farce here, with Stella and Stellan the "Todd and Margo" irritants of this pre-apocalyptic satire. It's fun, and just a leeeeetle bit cringeworthy to hear their soulless banter and recognize, yup, we're all pretty much doomed. Funny and fast paced, this would be a blast to see onstage. I'd like to see how the TD handles the world's end.

    A two-minute treat! Martin frames out a terrific farce here, with Stella and Stellan the "Todd and Margo" irritants of this pre-apocalyptic satire. It's fun, and just a leeeeetle bit cringeworthy to hear their soulless banter and recognize, yup, we're all pretty much doomed. Funny and fast paced, this would be a blast to see onstage. I'd like to see how the TD handles the world's end.

  • Bryan Stubbles: It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk

    Martin has set the goal posts for satire far and high. Could be used as a textbook. A very satirical one. Onward and upward!

    Martin has set the goal posts for satire far and high. Could be used as a textbook. A very satirical one. Onward and upward!