Recommendations of For Richard, for Poorer

  • David Lipschutz: For Richard, for Poorer

    FOR RICHARD, FOR POORER is an immensely charming, sweet, and endearing play. I love the contrast between the two characters, and I love even more the love they have for each other. Great work to Steven G. Martin!

    FOR RICHARD, FOR POORER is an immensely charming, sweet, and endearing play. I love the contrast between the two characters, and I love even more the love they have for each other. Great work to Steven G. Martin!

  • Gemma Cooper-Novack: For Richard, for Poorer

    So sweet, and such a rich opportunity for the actor playing Eddie! Martin has crafted a textured, gay version of Sondheim's "Getting Married Today," one that expresses the same tender love for its speaker and finds vibrant humor in a moment that couldn't be farther from funny for the character.

    So sweet, and such a rich opportunity for the actor playing Eddie! Martin has crafted a textured, gay version of Sondheim's "Getting Married Today," one that expresses the same tender love for its speaker and finds vibrant humor in a moment that couldn't be farther from funny for the character.

  • Christopher Soucy: For Richard, for Poorer

    You can feel Eddie’s manic panic in your bones! Steve has crafted an anxiety train that doesn’t even stop to take a breath. Joyful or otherwise. I love the juxtaposition of high tension and total calm found in Eddie and Richard. They compliment each other perfectly.

    You can feel Eddie’s manic panic in your bones! Steve has crafted an anxiety train that doesn’t even stop to take a breath. Joyful or otherwise. I love the juxtaposition of high tension and total calm found in Eddie and Richard. They compliment each other perfectly.

  • Christopher Soucy: For Richard, for Poorer

    You can feel Eddie’s manic panic in your bones! Steve has crafted an anxiety train that doesn’t even stop to take a breath. Joyful or otherwise. I love the juxtaposition of high tension and total calm found in Eddie and Richard. They compliment each other perfectly.

    You can feel Eddie’s manic panic in your bones! Steve has crafted an anxiety train that doesn’t even stop to take a breath. Joyful or otherwise. I love the juxtaposition of high tension and total calm found in Eddie and Richard. They compliment each other perfectly.

  • Greg Vovos: For Richard, for Poorer

    This is such a sweet and hilarious take on wedding day anxieties! I love the way Steve structures this piece and am amazed at how much I learn about BOTH characters in such a short amount of time. The thrill of this ride is in both not knowing the ending but daring to hope, as well as following the great details and specifics that fuel both the humor and characterization. I can only imagine seeing this live – immense fun for the actors but probably quite challenging as they have to hold for laughs. Great humor. Beautiful heart. Perfect piece.

    This is such a sweet and hilarious take on wedding day anxieties! I love the way Steve structures this piece and am amazed at how much I learn about BOTH characters in such a short amount of time. The thrill of this ride is in both not knowing the ending but daring to hope, as well as following the great details and specifics that fuel both the humor and characterization. I can only imagine seeing this live – immense fun for the actors but probably quite challenging as they have to hold for laughs. Great humor. Beautiful heart. Perfect piece.

  • Mark Harvey Levine: For Richard, for Poorer

    Anxiety attacks have never been funnier. This is a wonderful little duet disguised as a monologue, showing exactly how to portray love that is real, messy and true. The romance is one anybody can relate to. In a very short time, Steven G. Martin has us falling in love with the characters even as they re-fall for each other. And it has a title that I wish I could have come up with.

    Anxiety attacks have never been funnier. This is a wonderful little duet disguised as a monologue, showing exactly how to portray love that is real, messy and true. The romance is one anybody can relate to. In a very short time, Steven G. Martin has us falling in love with the characters even as they re-fall for each other. And it has a title that I wish I could have come up with.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: For Richard, for Poorer

    This is adorable. What a fun challenge for the actors (one carrying the whole play with his words, the other playing almost his entire part with wordless reactions). I love these two and their affirmations and the fact that they started eating cake early. Just a delightful piece.

    This is adorable. What a fun challenge for the actors (one carrying the whole play with his words, the other playing almost his entire part with wordless reactions). I love these two and their affirmations and the fact that they started eating cake early. Just a delightful piece.

  • Pamela Morgan: For Richard, for Poorer

    What a delightfully wonderful story about one man’s journey to realize he’s worth loving, and Martin cleverly disguises it as a groom having cold feet, well done!! So many hilarious twists, turns, and levels to explore in Eddie’s monologue, this is a piece any actor would love to get their teeth into.

    What a delightfully wonderful story about one man’s journey to realize he’s worth loving, and Martin cleverly disguises it as a groom having cold feet, well done!! So many hilarious twists, turns, and levels to explore in Eddie’s monologue, this is a piece any actor would love to get their teeth into.

  • Samantha Marchant: For Richard, for Poorer

    Martin’s script is charming and shows us exactly why these too are the perfect couple.

    Martin’s script is charming and shows us exactly why these too are the perfect couple.

  • Evan Baughfman: For Richard, for Poorer

    Terrifically funny and heartfelt! I loved these characters' voices--one that says a little too much, and another that says just enough.

    Terrifically funny and heartfelt! I loved these characters' voices--one that says a little too much, and another that says just enough.