You need high stakes to write a truly compelling ten-minute play, and the stakes couldn't be higher than the destruction of the Earth! Somehow, this piece still manages to maintain a great deal of humor and heart, with a string of corny, snicker-worthy gags and wordplay throughout. Even so, the bittersweet scenario shines a light on our current global climate (literally and politically) without feeling heavy or preachy. Furthermore, there are ample opportunities for creative design which will be like catnip to the theatre artists lucky enough to produce this one. This is fun, important work!
You need high stakes to write a truly compelling ten-minute play, and the stakes couldn't be higher than the destruction of the Earth! Somehow, this piece still manages to maintain a great deal of humor and heart, with a string of corny, snicker-worthy gags and wordplay throughout. Even so, the bittersweet scenario shines a light on our current global climate (literally and politically) without feeling heavy or preachy. Furthermore, there are ample opportunities for creative design which will be like catnip to the theatre artists lucky enough to produce this one. This is fun, important work!