What starts as a delightfully strange encounter quickly spins into a funny, suspenseful, and deeply intriguing character study of those with...let's say special abilities. Baughfman's "heroes?" are layered and gray, and excellently beg the question: "If you had superpowers, what would you do with them?" And perhaps that doesn't even depend on our actions, but who tells our story. This would be a lot of fun for two actors to bring to life.
What starts as a delightfully strange encounter quickly spins into a funny, suspenseful, and deeply intriguing character study of those with...let's say special abilities. Baughfman's "heroes?" are layered and gray, and excellently beg the question: "If you had superpowers, what would you do with them?" And perhaps that doesn't even depend on our actions, but who tells our story. This would be a lot of fun for two actors to bring to life.